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Friday, July 26 • 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Meet the Rune Spirits

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The Elder Futhark runes are commonly used for divination by neopagans today, but most resources for how to interpret them rely on lists of keywords that have accumulated, some of which seem to contradict others (and some of which source from poisoned wells). We'll start with the rune poems instead, which will be provided on a handout, to look at clues to meaning. We'll then discuss each rune as an individual spirit, something like an egregore, that we can interact and create a relationship with to deepen our understanding. I'll explain the process I used to write my own version of a rune poem (which will also be provided on the handout), and once questions have been answered I'll lead the group in the guided meditation I used to meet the rune spirits.

avatar for Alexandra Nic Bhe Chuille

Alexandra Nic Bhe Chuille

Alexandra is a Norse-Gaelic Polytheistic Pagan Mystic, and a modern urban hedgewitch. She has been a practicing pagan and witch since about 2003, though her path wandered through various traditions before settling down into its current form in 2015.  The main focus of Alexandra’s... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
Maplewood B
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