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Thursday, July 25

6:00pm EDT

Open House Reception Cherry Hill Seminary
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Cherry Hill Seminary

Cherry Hill Seminary is the leading provider of education and practical training in leadership, ministry, and personal growth in Pagan and Nature-Based spiritualities.

Thursday July 25, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Cherry Hill - Suite 201

8:00pm EDT

House of Witchcraft Hospitality Suite
Come sit and chill. Casual magickal chats.

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House of Witchcraft

The House of Witchcraft is a global crossroad tradition that recognizes all paths to divinity. Through honor, reference, and respect, we accept, embrace, and celebrate the magick of the crossroads. We are individuals of many paths who recognize that our traditions do not need to be... Read More →

Thursday July 25, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm EDT
House of Witchcraft - Hospitality Suite
Friday, July 26

8:00am EDT

The Secret Identity of the Minoan Snake-Horns: Neither Snakes nor Horns
The Snake-Horns or Snake Frames have long puzzled archaeologists and art historians, with an appearance that suggests both a two-headed snake and a pair of animal horns. Both naturalistic and stylized animal horns are a notable feature of Minoan art. The naturalistic ones can usually be readily identified as belonging to one of the types of livestock the Minoans raised or wild animals they hunted: cattle, goats, ibex, deer. The Snake-Horns, however, are not immediately identifiable as belonging to any known animal species, either horned quadruped or snake. The Snake-Horns appear in Minoan art, particularly on stone and metal seals, in similar configurations to both realistic animal horns and the stylized Minoan Sacred Horns. They appear most often in sets of two or three pairs, more rarely as a single pair of "horns." Until now, the nature and meaning of the Snake-Horns has been unclear. But a comparison of the Snake-Horns with images of animals on Minoan seals reveals their true identity as the oversized, stylized tusks of boars. Multiple examples of seal artwork depicting the Snake-Horns and the long-tusked boars they are identified with underscore the connection and illustrate the importance of this heretofore overlooked subject. This identification allows us to gain insight into the complexity of Minoan religion during the Late Minoan period, including the incorporation of an animal that was heretofore not considered an important symbol within Minoan iconography. It also opens the door to an aspect of Minoan culture and foodways that is not well known or often explored.

avatar for Laura Perry

Laura Perry

Ariadne's Tribe
Laura Perry is an artist, writer, and the founder and Temple Mom of Ariadne’s Tribe. The Minoans of Bronze Age Crete have been a passion of hers since a fateful art history class introduced her to the colorful frescoes of ancient Knossos way back in high school. In addition to her... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

Deconstructing the Shadow, 102
If you took Part 1 last year, you might consider taking Part 2 and Get Comfortable with being Uncomfortable. This workshop is going to take a dive into what creates shadow. In embracing our shadow, there are many pieces of incorporation. We will look at the steps on how we personally embrace our shadow using acknowledgment, acceptance, and alignment, to get us to abundance. We are going to spend time defining Shadow through a combination of hedgewitchery and a somatic therapy lens, while building tools that everyone can take and utilize in their daily lives. Last year we talked about making space for shadow and some ways to sit with being uncomfortable. This year, we want to incorporate some movements and take a bottom up approach in how to embody your own internal balance.

avatar for Bev C

Bev C

I’m Beverly or Bev. I am an eclectic witch that works heavily with Cernunnos and Freyja. I study multiple modalities and deities in my practice . I am currently studying the bardic grade under the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, as well as a member of ADF. I am a wordsmith... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

Lessons from Being a Death Midwife
Death is having a moment in our society. Loneliness is rampant. Pagans, Heathens, polytheists and seekers struggle to find those who will help with transition from life to death - not just for the individual, but for the family, friends, and community. This presentation goes over key details on how working as a Death Midwife can affect and is affected by a practitioner's magical workings and chosen path to the benefit of all - including the practitioner. Handouts will be provided. Please bring phone or paper & pen, questions, and an open mind.

Friday July 26, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

Southern Altars Built in Heartspace
Neopaganism calls to formal roots often placed outside of my/our connection to the Southern US (or your specific locale), outside of times I've known, and a bit artificial. As wonderful as they are, I've learned that practice, altars, and rituals are very personal and that the element of connecting to my Southern heritage in practice is essential for me. I learned to set altars from my Baptist grandmother and create strong, passionate community-based rituals that stood the test of time. As modern witches we're encouraged to create an individual modern identity, and as a result claiming the connection that comes with being from the South is often complicated or unavailable. We will explore and reclaim the threads of forgotten faith in our Southern lives and draw them out to build for ourselves connection, community, and personal power. Please bring a notebook.


Friday July 26, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

The Moon And Its Herbs
We are going to discuss the moon and its sacred herbs. We will look at fabulous ways you can incorporate the moon and its herbs into your practice.


Friday July 26, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

The Search for Meaning--An Experience in Group Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction (SD) is an ancient spiritual practice found across multiple spiritual traditions. It predates psycho-therapy, counselling, personal coaching, and Jungian archetypes. SD has predominated in Christian communities but in the last decade is flourishing in many spiritual communities including paganism. In this session, I will lead the entire group in a session of spiritual direction where the intent is to find meaningful connections to embrace with our hearts. The session will make use of brief instruction, partnered reflections, journaling and voluntary sharing of guidance in the larger group. The session will close with a debriefing about what we have done and a brief description of the difference in single and group spiritual direction. Participants will be given links and resources for further exploring spiritual direction and how to find spiritual directors that honor their personal paths.

avatar for Robert (Bob) Patrick

Robert (Bob) Patrick

Spiritual companion, retreat facilitator, massage therapist, teacher, Cor Connection
I have a varied set of trainings, including two seminary degrees (M. Div.), a love of languages with a BA in biblical Hebrew, Greek, and Spanish, and a PhD in Latin, but along the way, licensure in therapeutic massage and National Board Certified Teacher status. I spent eight years... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Maplewood B

8:00am EDT

Weather Magic: Witchery, Science, Lore
Weather is something that connects us all, regardless of where we live. Typical weather magic centers around trying to manipulate the weather in some way, but let's dig deeper. If we can connect the science of the weather to our magical practices, there is an abundant source of energy we can draw upon. As we work with weather magic, we become more attuned to the cycles of the earth and the seasons. As we learn the folklore of the weather, we are connected to that long line of those who watched the signs and the skies to foretell what was to come. In this workshop, we will learn some of the basic science around familiar weather patterns then see how that connects to the folklore surrounding them. Then we will discuss new ways to embody that energy in our practice.


Friday July 26, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Maplewood A

9:30am EDT

Uncrossing Work
Our daily lives are full of movement and interaction. We travel to work where we interact with countless people during the day. We visit our friends and family and discuss our joys and worries. We travel to the bank, to the post office, to the grocery store and we interact with all the various energies that exist within these spaces. As we interact with those positive and negative energies, we are simultaneously affected by them.
You can imagine this concept as a boat floating in the middle of the ocean. The boat is either balanced and peaceful or imbalanced and unstable depending on waves of the ocean around it. Similarly, the energy that you interact with can have a balancing or imbalancing affect on you. Unfortunately as an adult in our society, we often have less time to focus on positive energies leaving us to deal with stressful situations which often carry heavier negative energies.
Over time, negative energy can attach itself to our spirits and compound within us. Like a boat floating in the middle of the ocean, you can only be beaten around by negative waves for so long before you break. Whenever we experience the symptoms of built up negativity energies, we call it a crossed condition. This is where uncrossing methods come into play.
Uncrossing is an umbrella term used to describe any spiritual methods used to correct a build up of negative energy. There are three main ways one can become “crossed” and in need of an uncrossing. The first and most traditional is by being cursed or hexed. This is when negativity is sent by a practitioner in your direction. The second is by “stepping in something”. This is when you inadvertently are exposed to negative energy in your daily routine. The last way, and most common is by intentionally placing yourself in negative situations.


Friday July 26, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT

9:30am EDT

Finding Frig: Reconstructing the Goddess of Love of the Ancient Germanic Peoples
Far too often in the study of ancient Germanic paganism it is presumed that the late Icelandic Eddas should form the baseline of our understandings of Germanic myth and religion. Yet, this paper will seek to show through the example of the goddess Frig, that reliance on the Norse understandings can hinder exploration of earlier branches of heathenry. It is ironic to admit, but the Norse Frigg obscures more than she informs about the more ancient roots of this goddess. The goddess that was Friia in Old High German, Frig in Old English, and Frea in Lombardic has seemingly little in common with the Norse Frigg. This paper seeks to explore and uncover some of the older origins of the goddess Frig in order to better be able to provide a reconstruction of what she would have been seen as in the other non-Norse branches of Germanic paganism.


Friday July 26, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT

9:30am EDT

Introduction to Spell Jars
Spell jars or spell bottles are a wonderful witchy tool. In this hour long presentation you will get some basic information on spell jars. Including things you can put in your spelljar, where to find some of these items, and tips on helping to set intentions as you create this magical item. You will also get a few recipes to try out for yourself or consenting friends/family members. Not only that, you get an opportunity to create up to three of your very own!

avatar for Sasha Davis

Sasha Davis

Founder, Pagan Education Center Inc.

Friday July 26, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT

9:30am EDT

Paganism in the Military, a Personal Perspective
What does it mean to be a pagan in the military? How much support do our service members traditionally receive? Most importantly, how accepted is pagan practice by senior leadership? Join WR Neumann as he recounts his journey as a pagan across his 30 years of military service...and counting. He discusses some of the changes he has personally seen over those 30 years, some of the milestones that have been achieved, and how far we have left to go.


Friday July 26, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT

9:30am EDT

Shadows in the Circle & Grove
This workshop focuses on looking at how not just people, but covens, groves, and kindreds can have "shadows" which are elements in a spiritual (as well as non-spiritual) group where certain topics and situations are avoided rather than addressed. 

Avoiding looking at and addressing such group shadows ends up disrupting positive growth for the group, but instead starts creating an environment where negative things thrive and can start to wear away and tear apart a kindred, grove, or coven. 

The attendees will be given a series of questions and examples that can be used to look at themselves to uncover their own shadows and the gold hidden in their shadows to better understand the process. They will also receive a variation on the questions designed to look at groups to see what group shadow behavior is either keeping their organization from growing into what it can become or causing the group to start to fall apart.

avatar for J. Michael Rollins

J. Michael Rollins

Group affiliations: Druid with Ár nDraíocht Féin (ADF) and an Ovate with the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids (OBOD)

Friday July 26, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT

9:30am EDT

The Ancient Egyptian Self
Like most cultures the ancient Egyptians believed that the 'self' has many parts or aspects. We will examine their concept of the self and its role in both life and the afterlife. This will include looking at each of the pieces of the self and how they interact with each other and the forces around them. We will also compare the ancient Egyptian concepts to some of the more common ways Western Occultism divides the parts of self and, hopefully, expand both our understanding of and workings with The Self.


Friday July 26, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT
Maplewood A

9:30am EDT

The Faery Consciousness: Mycelial Connections at Home and Abroad
The mushroom kingdom has historically held many ties to the Fae, our cousins upon this earth. Through mycelial networks, fungi connect plants and trees, transmute toxins, transfer nutrients and transmit messages between species. This kingdom may in fact be the key to a deeper connection and bonding with our Faerie brethren. We’ll discuss methods for partnering with these spirits of the land in your local environment, honoring your commitments and working magick towards your mutual benefit.

avatar for Nathan M. Hall

Nathan M. Hall

Author, Mystic South Board
Nathan M. Hall is a witch, animist, initiate of the Anderson Feri Tradition, and member of the Temple of Witchcraft. He lives in South Florida where he values an intimate connection and partnership with the spirits of the land, tends to a small garden and small family and runs rituals... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT
Maplewood B

11:00am EDT

Welcome and Opening Ritual
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Board of Mystic South

Mystic South Conference
Our Mystic South Board consists of:Heather GreeneMarla RobersonGypsey TeagueNathan HallStacy Psaros

Friday July 26, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

Multi-Layered Auroic Weaving
As practitioners deeply engaged in the craft, we understand the importance of a resilient aura. It is not just our energetic fingerprint but our first line of defense against a myriad of unseen forces.
Multi-layered auric weaving is an advanced technique that provides a sophisticated, nuanced approach to spiritual protection. It's akin to crafting ethereal armor with distinct layers, each serving a unique protective function.
The Essence of Multi-Layered Auric Weaving:
Multi-layered auric weaving is the metaphysical art of crafting and intertwining various strands of energy to form a composite shield around one's aura. This shield is not monolithic; it's a complex, interwoven tapestry of intentions, elements, and energies, each layer fine-tuned to address specific energetic needs.
The Symphony of Layers:
Imagine your aura as a living, breathing ecosystem, where each layer of the weave plays a specific role:
The Filter Layer: This outermost weave is designed to act as a sieve, distinguishing between beneficial and harmful energies, allowing the former and repelling the latter.
The Reflective Layer: Just beneath the filter, a mirror-like weave bounces back any malevolent intent, ensuring that nothing harmful penetrates your energetic space.
The Grounding Layer: Closer to your core, this layer keeps you connected to the earth's stabilizing energies, providing a sense of balance and resilience.
The Healing Layer: Intertwined with the grounding weave, this layer gently works to repair and nurture your aura, healing any wear and tear it may have sustained.
The Core Shield: At the heart of it all is the core shield—a potent, concentrated layer of energy that safeguards your spiritual essence.
Why Multi-Layered Auric Weaving?
This technique is a testament to the practitioner's mastery over their own energy field. It's not simply about defense; it's about creating a living, adaptive system that not only protects but also enhances one's energetic integrity. For the adept, it offers several benefits:
Adaptability: The layers can be modified based on the practitioner's intuitive sensing of different environments and energies.
Strength: Multiple layers mean multiple fail-safes, ensuring that if one layer is compromised, others stand ready to maintain the shield.
Harmony: This technique harmonizes with the practitioner's energy, becoming a natural extension of their being.
Mastering multi-layered auric weaving is a journey that requires patience, practice, and a profound understanding of energetic nuances. It is an art form that evolves with the practitioner, becoming more potent with intention and experience.
For those ready to embrace the depth of their craft, multi-layered auric weaving is not just a technique—it is an embodiment of our spiritual evolution and a testament to our commitment to walk in this world protected, empowered, and sovereign in our energetic space.

avatar for Wendy Mata Houseman

Wendy Mata Houseman

Founder, Bruja Power Botánica
Hello, my name is Wendy Mata I am a 5th generation Bruja Curandera by lineage and Initiated Mayan shaman, the founder of Bruja Power Botanica. After a successful career in tech, working for Fortune 500 companies, I retired to pursue my long lifetime passion of promoting the magical... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

The Art of Neoplatonic Theurgy
Theurgy is the ritual practice of meeting with the Gods in order to negotiate with them and to secure their assistance. Although its roots lie deep in shamanic practice, theurgy was developed to a high art by Neoplatonic philosophers, including Iamblichus and Proclus. It is the basis for invocation operations in the later Western magical traditions. In this paper I present the basic principles of Neoplatonic theurgy, working through in detail the construction of a theurgical ritual for invoking Athena based on Proclus' theurgical Hymn VII to Athena and the Greek magical papyri. I will show in particular how the formulas for invocation can be discovered or constructed, and explain how they function by sympathetically activating specific divine energies.


Friday July 26, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

Fnord and Void: An Introduction to Discordian Cosmogony
Generally known as a parody religion based on the worship of the Greek Goddess Eris, Discordianism offers a surprisingly nonsense-free worldview, as well as a practical, postmodern take on occultism. Since its inception, Discordianism has quietly influenced everything from fiction and literature to electronic dance music... AND NOW IT CAN INFLUENCE YOU. (But only with your consent. Discordianism totally respects boundaries.) Topics explored will include the Discordian creation myth; the Five Discordian Elements (Boom, Pungent, Sweet, Prickle, and Orange); the Apostles of Eris; the Law of Eristic Escalation; and the Curse of Greyface and how to defeat it. We will also discuss why cockroaches make the best psychopomps.

avatar for Thumper Forge

Thumper Forge

Witch. Raconteur. Notary Public.
Thumper (Horkos) Marjorie Splitfoot Forge is a Gardnerian High Priest, an initiate of the Minoan Brotherhood, a Discordian Episkopos, a recovering alcoholic, and a notary public from Houston, Texas. His first book, Virgo Witch: Divining the Details, co-authored with Ivo Dominguez... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Maplewood A

12:00pm EDT

For the Love and Fear of Dolls
Dolls have been a part of our collective world histories for centuries. Both loved and feared, dolls are cherished toys and collectibles, home decorations, collectibles, and even homes to our ancestors. In this chat, Heather will review our fascination with dolls including cultural trends and traditions from the beautiful to the scary. She will then share the nature of dolls from an animist's view point demonstrating how dolls can be part of our magical and spiritual lives. From the simple poppet and the haunted antique to the popular Barbie doll, Heather will discuss the living experience of the doll and how to work with it. You might even meet a few new friends along the way.

avatar for Heather Greene

Heather Greene

Heather is a freelance journalist, film historian, and editor at Llewellyn Worldwide.  She is the author of the award winning book "Lights Camera Witchcraft: A Critical History of Witchcraft in American Film and Television."

Friday July 26, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT
Maplewood B

12:00pm EDT

Foundational Elemental Ward Weaving
This workshop delves into the intricate art of crafting wards by touching upon the foundational elements and weaving them from the ethereal strands of energy. Through immersive guided meditations, attendees will learn to attune themselves to the subtle vibrations of the elements as taught through the Sacred Shield Tradition. By the workshop's end, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to weave intricate wards imbued with the essence of the elements and their connections to our physical being, fostering a deeper connection to the world around them and enhancing their spiritual practices.

avatar for Cerddwr Cysgodol

Cerddwr Cysgodol

Founder, Author, Sacred Path Pagans

Friday July 26, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

Precise Poppets
In this workshop Opal Luna will share the principles of Fiber Magick while we create a very specialized poppet. A crocheted brain that will bring clarity and calm to our lives. All materials included. All skill levels welcome. Everyone will leave with a calm brain. *Cackle*

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Opal Luna

Witch, Fiber Magick
I'm Opal Luna,  the author of Fiber Magick a witch's guide to spellcasting with crochet, knotwork and weaving.  My craft of choice is crochet but anytime you create with your hands energy gets in there. Do it with intention.

Friday July 26, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

The Language of the Archetypes: Using the Empyrean Method for discovery and Insight
In this workshop on sacred psychology, we will introduce and explore the Empyrean Method: a method anyone can use to learn to communicate with the voices, spirits and gods who live within the Collective unconscious. This method uses a unique set of cards keyed to the archetypes found throughout world mythology, theology, and ritual practice. Featuring bold, iconic images that tap directly into the unconscious, this intriguing deck unveils hidden truths and provides concrete guidance for transformation and growth. No prior experience with the deck is necessary and free decks will be provided to those who request one for the class.


Friday July 26, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

Witchcrafting a Backyard Wildlife Habitat
In Witchcrafting a Backyard Wildlife Habitat, we will go over practical ways to weave our spiritual practices into the process of rewilding our spaces- no matter the size (no yard, no problem! We will discuss smaller scale and urban ideas, too!). With the elements and wheel of the year as our guides, we will discuss scalable projects informed by permaculture principles and over a decade of experience gardening and living in the foothills of Appalachia. Topics include: site analysis, composting, building an herb spiral, upcycling, the magic of seeds, choosing wildlife-friendly plants and designs, seasonal living, abundance sharing, and sabbat crafting. Full of DIY inspiration, resources, and recommendations, we hope you will join us in this interactive workshop to dream up and design a personalized plan to build your own intentional, magical, and biodiverse space.

avatar for Jacqui Sands

Jacqui Sands

hi! i am an eclectic vegan kitchen witch, certified in permaculture design with earth activist training (starhawk & charles williams), dirty hoe coven member, georgia beloved naturalist, tree hugging dirt worshipper, & a book dragon 💚

Friday July 26, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT

2:30pm EDT

European Fairies in the US
This lecture will take a look at the evidence of fairies in the US, from folklore to modern encounters. We will explore beliefs around whether or not fairies can travel, why they might do so, and what European fairies in North America are like in people's modern experiences. We will also look at the similarities and differences between these beings and their European counterparts, and how modern spiritual practitioners can engage safely with them, as well as why you might want to.

avatar for Morgan Daimler

Morgan Daimler

Morgan Daimler is a witch who has been a polytheist since the early ’90′s. Following a path inspired by the Irish Fairy Faith blended with neopagan witchcraft. Morgan teaches classes on Irish myth and magical practices, fairies, and related subjects in the United States and internationally... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:30pm EDT

We Are Our Own Ancestors
Delving into past life experiences has shown me that it's not simply DNA that passes both trauma and embedded behaviors but also the lives we've lived. I'm a hypnotherapist and a spiritual counselor with a Doctorate in Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies. Many of my clients have gained important knowledge for this life through past-life regressions, from physical to emotional and psychological pain. I've addressed depression and PTSD through these channels, and the exploration has provided me with much material for this paper.

avatar for Dr. Ruth Souther

Dr. Ruth Souther

Facilitator, The Edge of Perception
Dr. Ruth Souther is a best-selling author in two collective books (newest Shaman Heart: Sacred Rebel), author of The Heart of Tarot and Vega's Path Priestess Process, and 3 fiction novels in the Immortal Journey series with the 4th soon to be released. Chief Editor for Crystal Heart... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:30pm EDT

Advanced Broom Magic
Ritual, Spells, and properties of your largest magical tool.

avatar for Gypsey


Vendor Coordinator and PAPERS
Gypsey has written over 30 books including Norse Divination, Witch’s Guide to Wands, and Steampunk Magic.  Her fiction novels focus on the vampire Bridgette Mitchell. As a member of the Society of Creative Anachrosism, Gypsey's focus is on historical Iceland. Currently, her interests... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:30pm EDT

Healthy Boundaries 101 - A Sacred Trust
In this session we'll explore the concept of healthy boundaries for leaders in spiritual groups. We'll establish the fundamentals of boundaries, discuss how power and vulnerability impact healthy boundaries, how to prevent boundary violations in our communities. We'll discuss sex-positivity within spiritual communities, how to identify problematic behaviors, and what to do if you feel you have been impacted by an un-heathy relationship. We'll also explore how self-care plays a role in healthy relationships for leaders, as well as tips to ensure leaders create safe and welcoming spaces for community members.

avatar for Becky Munson

Becky Munson

Programming Director, Twin Cities Pagan Pride & Paganicon

Friday July 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
Maplewood A

2:30pm EDT

Jack Parsons: Rocket Scientist, Thelemite, ... Witch?
Handsome, brilliant, unconventional and reckless, John Whiteside (Jack) Parsons was so instrumental in establishing the field of rocketry and in founding JPL (the Jet Propulsion Laboratory) that some joke the initials actually stand for Jack Parsons Lab. He was also a Thelemite; Master of Agape Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis; friend of aspiring writer L. Ron Hubbard; and paramour of counter-cultural artist Cameron, who he met after conducting a series of sex magick rituals to manifest the goddess Babalon. What is less known is that Parsons identified his quest for personal liberation with witchcraft. This talk will introduce Parsons and delve into his writings, including "Manifesto of the Witchcraft," "The Witchcraft," and "Songs for the Witch Woman."

avatar for Richard Kaczynski

Richard Kaczynski

I've been a scholar and speaker on Western esotericism for over 30 years, and the author of Perdurabo: The Life of Aleister Crowley (2010), The Weiser Concise Guide to Aleister Crowley (2009), Forgotten Templars: The Untold Origins of Ordo Templi Orientis (2012), and Friendship in... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:30pm EDT

Meet the Rune Spirits
The Elder Futhark runes are commonly used for divination by neopagans today, but most resources for how to interpret them rely on lists of keywords that have accumulated, some of which seem to contradict others (and some of which source from poisoned wells). We'll start with the rune poems instead, which will be provided on a handout, to look at clues to meaning. We'll then discuss each rune as an individual spirit, something like an egregore, that we can interact and create a relationship with to deepen our understanding. I'll explain the process I used to write my own version of a rune poem (which will also be provided on the handout), and once questions have been answered I'll lead the group in the guided meditation I used to meet the rune spirits.

avatar for Alexandra Nic Bhe Chuille

Alexandra Nic Bhe Chuille

Alexandra is a Norse-Gaelic Polytheistic Pagan Mystic, and a modern urban hedgewitch. She has been a practicing pagan and witch since about 2003, though her path wandered through various traditions before settling down into its current form in 2015.  The main focus of Alexandra’s... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
Maplewood B

2:30pm EDT

The Devil at the Crossroads
Crossroads are perpetually shifting and dynamic, recognized as powerful junctures where the realms of the living and the Spirit converge, belonging to both everyone and no one. Across various cultures, crossroads hold associations with magic and witchcraft, linked to entities such as Hecate, Mercury, Ellegua, Papa Legba, St. Peter, and The Devil. Known also as the Black or Dark Man, the Devil at the Crossroads is not the biblical mortal threat, but rather a spirit that may aid those practicing magic and others. The most renowned and often misunderstood Crossroads ritual involves meeting the Devil at the Crossroads to acquire expertise and proficiency in a specific pursuit. This magical ritual and its execution will be the focus of our discussion.

Taren S – is a proud Southern Conjuring Witch with over 40 years’ experience in the magickal community. She is the founder of the House of Witchcraft, a tradition of honoring, respecting, and celebrating all paths of magick and expressions of Divinity. Her first book, “Hoodoo in the Psalms” is a best seller. Now she has written “Conjuring Dirt; magick of footprints, crossroads and graveyards”.

She has recently returned from visiting a foreign country (California)vf for the past 7 years and lives near John’s Island, just outside Charleston, SC on a 5-ac. farm.

avatar for Taren S

Taren S

Taren S. is a proud Southern Conjuring Witch with over 40 years of experience in the magickal community. She is the founder of the House of Witchcraft, a tradition that honors, respects, and celebrates all paths of magick and expressions of Divinity. Her first book, "Hoodoo in the... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:30pm EDT

Throwing Down And Getting Witchy: Divination By Casting Lots
Want to see what the future holds, but tired of tarot and put off by your pendulum"what will you do? Cast a handful of lots and see what comes up! This little-known divination method creates a backdrop for your own psychic talents to shine as you probe important questions and look for advice on pressing matters. In this workshop, you'll learn how it's done through demonstration and discussion and actual readings. This is a hands-on workshop. We'll gather in a circle for an overview of the lots, their individual meanings and how they are used. After that, we'll cast readings in which participants will be coached on multiple ways of interpreting the results. What to bring? An open mind, a question you might want a reading for and your psychic and intuitive talents.


Friday July 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

Cherry Hill Seminary Discussion Group: Community
Community: what is it, how to find, create, nurture and protect it.

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Cherry Hill Seminary

Cherry Hill Seminary is the leading provider of education and practical training in leadership, ministry, and personal growth in Pagan and Nature-Based spiritualities.

Friday July 26, 2024 3:00pm - 4:15pm EDT
Cherry Hill - Suite 201

4:00pm EDT

Finding The Totems: Discussion and Ritual
The path of the Totemist is the path of knowing the self. The nine animal totems we each carry within us are our connection to the fundamental aspects of magick. They are fundamental to our unique identities, but how can we reconnect with them? How can we learn what our totems are how can we bring them forward? Join Stephanie Brown, author of the 2019 book The Modern Totemist, for a discussion of the nature of animal totems, our system of nine, and how to work with them in all aspects of your life. Then, stay for a guided shamanic journey (similar to a guided meditation) to explore and learn this method of spiritual communion and to encourage one of your animal totems to come forward. No previous experience with shamanic journeying or ritual equipment required. Ritual will take place with dimmed lights and a hand drum.

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Stephanie Brown

Painted Caves Studio

Friday July 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Dunwoody A

4:00pm EDT

Activating the Magick of Tarot and Using it in Your Practice
Activating the Magick of Tarot and Using it in Your Practice is a workshop that centers around delving into the mystical aspects of The Tarot and using it as a gateway to tap into ones own inherent magick. During the workshop participants will learn how to infuse the Tarots energy into their practice, explore different techniques for using Tarot to manifest tangible results, enhance their spiritual workings, and develop their intuitive abilities.

Friday July 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Advanced Sigil Witchery
Ready to refine your sigil-making practice? If you've taken"Sigil Witchery" from LTZ before or have read their book, then you're ready to take this workshop. We will delve deeper into key design elements, incorporating ritual processes, and collectively creating sigils for groups & shared magic applications.

avatar for Laura Tempest Zakroff

Laura Tempest Zakroff

Laura Tempest Zakroff (she/they) is a professional artist, author, performer, and Modern Traditional Witch based in New England. She holds a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, and her artwork has received awards and honors worldwide. Her work embodies myth and the esoteric... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Astrology and the Four Elements: 2024 Energy Shift
In this workshop we explore the four elements in astrology (Fire, Earth, Air and Water) and their connection to magic rituals. In 2024, there is a major planetary shift from Earth and Water to Fire and Air: Pluto has already left Capricorn and entered Aquarius, Jupiter and Uranus move from Taurus to Gemini, while Saturn and Neptune make their shift from Pisces to Aries. Solar and Lunar eclipses also highlight Libra and Aries. It's time to claim your power, work with candles, flames, incense, crystals, fairies and verbal spells! Mark important dates. Learn ancient wisdom and ways to connect with the natural world and divine energies. Enhance inner strength by aligning with nature and the most dominant elements of 2024 and 2025. Mira Cosic is an experienced astrologer based in Roswell, Georgia, practicing locally and internationally. She is the past president of ASNT Astrological Society of North Texas.

Friday July 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Bacchus's Boomerang: One Pagan's Love Note to AA
"But even Bacchus boomeranged on us; we were finally struck down and left in terrified loneliness." 12&12, Step Five, p 57. I will invite participants let go of that terrified loneliness in an open discussion AA meeting. I welcome the curious, newcomers and old-timers. From my long term recovery and my lifetime of being Pagan, I will briefly tell my story of recovery as a Pagan. I will tell how I reconciled my Pagan faith with AA steps. My story will serve as an invitation for others to share their experience, strength, and hope in open discussion. The meeting format includes a Four Elements Prayer of Serenity and traditional readings from AA. Attendees will be encouraged to share their experience with recovery and their personal spirituality, naming their ancestors, deities, etc, in prayer.

avatar for Beth Thompson

Beth Thompson

Gardener, Creative Mind, Studio Worker, Athens Area Pagans & Beth Thompson Photography.com
I love to grow plants, write about nature and the features of the landscape around me. In addition, I create with photography, digital media, and fiber-based art.

Friday July 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Healing Through Ancestor Magick: Navigating Past Trauma
This class is designed to introduce students to the powerful practice of using ancestor magick as a means of healing and transforming past trauma. Through a combination of theory, practical exercises, and guided rituals, participants will explore ancestral connections, gain insights into the impact of trauma on their lives, and learn how to work with ancestral energies to foster healing and resilience.

avatar for Dave Gaddy, The Weathered Wiseman

Dave Gaddy, The Weathered Wiseman

As the 'Weathered Wiseman' Dave is descended from over five generations of folk whose lives were steeped in the magic and mystery of the Appalachian Mountains. His true calling brought him home to his roots and to embracing the magickal arts in Appalachian Folk and Nature Magick... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Maplewood A

4:00pm EDT

In the Spirit of Morpheus: Developing a Pagan Dream Tending Practice
Since ancient days, humans have been fascinated with their dreams: virtually every religion and psychological thinker has a theory of dreams. Sadly, dream work has been largely neglected and distrusted in the Neopagan world. But dreams can provide incredible insight into our personal, professional, and spiritual lives. This workshop will offer an introduction to dream interpretation as well as how to incorporate dreams into our Pagan practice. If time and interest allows, we may have time to offer interpretations of one or more dreams from participants.

avatar for Chris Rothbauer

Chris Rothbauer

Rev. Chris Rothbauer (they/them) is a minister, spiritual companion, dreamworker and labyrinth walker, and the Senior Minister for Horizon Unitarian Universalist Church in Carrolton, Texas. Rev. Chris is a practicing Druid and an interspiritual boundary crosser, finding their spirituality... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Maplewood B

4:00pm EDT

Where Spirits Linger
Have you ever wondered why some places are more prone to spirit apparitions than others? Understanding factors in the magical environment that favor spirit manifestation is an essential skill when communicating with the dead and in the art of Laying Ghosts. It also equips us with a deeper, more nuanced approach to magical practice. In this presentation you will learn how Classical Necromancy defines the subtle states of spirit matter and how to diagnose the effects of topography, atmosphere and materials. You will also be introduced to techniques that can mitigate, enhance or transform conditions conducive to the manifestation of spirits (and magic). Whether you are a magician, spirit worker, healer, sensitive, paranormal investigator or simply curious, join us as we explore this interesting and eminently practical approach to understanding the spirit world. Hosted by Rob and Nonie Douglas, aka Llevin and Gwenlian Ithon.

Friday July 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

5:30pm EDT

Desperate House Witches - Live from Mystic South
DHW invites presenters and vendors at the Mystic South Conference to speak live on the show to discuss their offerings for this year.
I am planning a "Pre-Show" again for the day before the conference begins, as well as the usual Friday afternoon show.


Friday July 26, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT

5:30pm EDT

The Ecstatic Craft Hidden Within Grimm's Fairy Tales
Why do the tales of Hansel & Gretal, Snow White, and the Frog Prince still evoke an intriguing air of mystery and magic for us? Scholars have attempted to demystify fairy tales with historical, psychological, and socio-political analysis, and yet their mystique remains. The myth-ritualist theory, proposed by W.R. Smith, and later J.G. Frazier, proposes a myth is not a self-contained story but is tied to ritual. The myth developed to add meaning to the ritual, and the ritual was augmented to encompass and reenact the myth. When the ritual practice ceased, the myth survived as literature. This paper explores the compendium of oral tales collected by the Brothers Grimm (and preserved as literary fairy tale) through the revealing eyes of the myth-ritualist theory, and experiential knowledge of Traditional Witchcraft, and uncovers a secret tradition of ecstatic ritual practices hidden within these well-known tales.


Friday July 26, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT

5:30pm EDT

Accessing The 3 Main Cauldrons: a daily ritual to employing the seven qualities of touch that support the Energetics of the 7 + 4 main chakras
This workshop introduces seven qualities of touch along the most yin to the most yang spectrum. We will look at and explore how to support our chakras using different touch techniques. Let's get witchy with it! I love to geek out on the body and ENERGY systems! From biology, to esoteric anatomy and physiology and even dip our toe (or magic wands) a bit in the realm of physics, the cosmos, the quantum field! You will leave this workshop a more skilled toucher and with tools to support your chakras which I consider to be like vortexes and spheres of energy that we can tap into much like we would a crystal ball. I believe we have 11 super powerful crystal balls to gaze into, check in with at any point and time. Our seven chakras and our hands & feet chakras as well for a total of 11 chakras.

Friday July 26, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT
Dunwoody A

5:30pm EDT

Queering Pagan Traditions
Come explore Pagan traditions featuring LGBTQ themes and characters for encouragement and inspiration to both queer Pagans and allies at a time when legislation in the US increasingly targets the LGBTQ community. Where does gender and sexuality blur in Paganism? Are there LGBTQ themes or lessons to empower us spiritually? We often must read between the lines to discover helpful tools or models for navigating oppressive situations or spaces. Nature's diversity serves as our touchstone, and often what we need is right in front of us. We'll explore promising concepts including the Divine Androgyne and shape-shifting as a metaphor. Participants are encouraged to bring their own experiences and questions. This workshop is geared toward empowering LGBTQ folks and allies in their personal Pagan practice and providing resources for spiritual resilience.

avatar for Rev. Wes Isley

Rev. Wes Isley

Rev. Wes is a writer, Pagan minister and chaplain with an interest in grief work, interfaith cooperation and racial reconciliation. They currently serve as a faculty mentor with Cherry Hill Seminary's Community Ministry Certificate program and as Congregational Chaplain for Sacred... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT
Maplewood A

5:30pm EDT

The Myth of Closure
Closure: When something uncomfortable happens, we want to know why. We may believe that knowing the"why" will ease our pain. But what if the"why" isn't clear? What if there's no"why" at all? This meditative and journaling exercise will help you look at your uncomfortable story as beautiful in its own right, whether or not closure is ever found.

avatar for Courtney Weber

Courtney Weber

Courtney Weber is a Witch, award-winning author, Tarot adviser, and influencer. She is the author of Brigid: History, Mystery, and Magick of the Celtic Goddess; Tarot for One: The Art of Reading for Yourself; The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might; Hekate: Goddess of Witches... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT

5:30pm EDT

The Tarot of Marseille: History and Modern Potency
The Tarot de Marseille (TdM) has a history of over five hundred years of development. The card images emerged from the humanist renaissance culture as a conversation in images influenced by mystics throughout Europe. The TdM contains a system of interpretation within itself. This system provides a range of meanings for each card through a network of relationships within the deck. My workshop will introduce the structure of the system within the TdM to attendees, briefly contrasting it with later deck designs. I'll present modern printings in the TdM tradition to emphasize its flexibility. The workshop will end with an offering of a spread based on the details of The World card that will enrich the toolbox of any card reader. I will provide handouts and references for attendees' further consideration. Attendees will leave with a richer perspective on tarot knowledge and more options for their divination practice.

Friday July 26, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT
Maplewood B

5:30pm EDT

Unto the Gods: Building Sincere Relationships with Deities
Many of us seek to develop our own understanding and connection with the Gods through our heritage and culture. The manner, practices, and rites through which we pursue this profound relationship are as varied as they are intimate to each of us.

I was raised in a traditional household that professes a deep relationship with our Gods, who we regard as family and ancestors - a perspective common to many of Europe's polytheistic ethnic religions which underpins every aspect of life.

In this workshop we will explore ways to build a sincere, reciprocal relationship with the Gods through a traditional approach, including the nature of deity, the purpose of offerings, patronage and dedication, and methods of communication.


Friday July 26, 2024 5:30pm - 6:30pm EDT

5:30pm EDT

Croning Ceremony
What is a crone? Do I want to be one? How do I become one? We offer a sweet and supportive ceremony of healing ourselves, connecting and reconnecting to the sacred feminine, reclaiming that sacred space that is without us and within us. Two seasoned crones will speak into their 20+ year experience wearing the crone's crown. We will hear your stories and invite you to be crowned a crone, and to step with fierce confidence into your wise woman power.

avatar for Bev Oberline

Bev Oberline

Alpha Wolf, Wolf Spirit Energy
Beverly Oberline’s spiritual journey has been long and rewarding. She is an intuitive Tarot reader, having studied with her dear friend and mentor, Dr. Ruth Souther, for nearly two decades. She is a working and traveling Initiated Priestess of Vega's Path Priestess Process. Beverly... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 5:30pm - 7:00pm EDT
Dunwoody B

7:00pm EDT

She Spins the Clouds: A Ritual to Freyja, Frigg, and Frau Holle
Spinning is magical. When humans learned to spin wool or flax or other fibre, and making thread, then weaving woven cloth, to make warm clothing that protects us from the cold winter, the world changed. Spinning goddesses are found all over the world. They are connected with not only spinning and weaving, but also prophecy and magic. Three of the most powerful goddesses in the Heathen World – Freyja, Frigg, and Frau Holle – have associations with spinning or weaving. One of Freyja's bynames is Hörn, meaning flax. In folklore, Frigg spins the clouds and what we call Orion's belt is her distaff. Frau Holle is also associated with spinning and particularly with the ban on spinning at Yule. All three of these goddesses also have magical associations. Join Jenn, YanLin, and Linsey in this ritual to honor these three goddesses.


Friday July 26, 2024 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
Dunwoody A

7:00pm EDT

Mystic South Gaming Lounge!
A free, open gaming area provided by Giga-Bites Café! Come check out a tabletop game and bring your friends and make some new ones!


Friday July 26, 2024 7:00pm - Saturday July 27, 2024 12:00am EDT

7:15pm EDT

Heart Healing Sound
This is a soundbath to dive deep and decompress, to hold your own intentions for personal and collective healing. Meditate, lie down, journal, draw"anything is welcome as long as it's quiet and within your own personal space (blanket or yoga mat). You can pull a card from the deck provided, or BYO for your own reading. The purpose is to surrender to the collective energy of the intentional space. We'll begin with a brief grounding practice, and after the music there will be time to reflect briefly before continuing with your time at the conference.

Friday July 26, 2024 7:15pm - 8:45pm EDT
Dunwoody B

8:00pm EDT

Invoke the Muse and Reclaim Creativity
Invoking the Muse: This is an Edge of Perception/Reclaiming style experiential, interactive, ecstatic ritual to shift your consciousness as we invoke the Muse. Experience a double helix drum meditation, chanting, dancing, and celebrating the way you connect the energy of the Muse. You will make a lot of noise in this ritual, Deep trance, movement and sounding culminate in a moment when you decide to rise and claim this asepct of your nature and know your creative voice.

avatar for Dr. Ruth Souther

Dr. Ruth Souther

Facilitator, The Edge of Perception
Dr. Ruth Souther is a best-selling author in two collective books (newest Shaman Heart: Sacred Rebel), author of The Heart of Tarot and Vega's Path Priestess Process, and 3 fiction novels in the Immortal Journey series with the 4th soon to be released. Chief Editor for Crystal Heart... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 8:00pm - 9:30pm EDT
Maplewood A

8:00pm EDT

Clouds Without Water
Clouds Without Water is dark-ambient duo Grant Stewart and Angela Winter from North Carolina. Thelema is a springboard for their music, evoking dreams, omens, the sighing of the forest, constellations in deep night. Their performances mix otherworldly sonics with hallucinogenic visuals and magic; they offer a release ritual as part of their set for those who want to participate. Clouds Without Water bridges the gap between granularity and haze, grit and smoothness, sequence and randomness, electricity and organicity

Friday July 26, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm EDT

9:00pm EDT

Healing Drum Circle
Eric has been doing Healing Drum Circles for years and he is bringing this amazing, interactive healing experience to Mystic South for the first time. Experience firsthand the healing power of the drum. Get energized by the Rhythms and vibrations. Let yourself feel the Pulse of the drum and let it transform you. Eric is excited to be bringing this type of Drum Circle to Mystic South and hopes you attend.

avatar for Eric Olson

Eric Olson

Rhythm Healer Drums

Friday July 26, 2024 9:00pm - 11:30pm EDT
Dunwoody B

10:00pm EDT

Faces of Thunder: An Eclectic Electric Ritual
As modern pagans, the diversity of our gods, systems, and practices is both a challenge and a strength. Rather than exacerbate differences, we should seek common ground to encourage a healthy and cohesive community. One thing many of us share is reverence for Thunder Gods. Central to the protection of humanity, these volatile and potent entities represent a cohesive undercurrent upon which we may build new avenues for communal practice. Please join us for an eclectic ritual honoring the various iterations of Pagan thunder deities, such as: Indra, Thor/Thunor, Zeus, Perun, Marduk, and others. This ritual will involve several members of the Mystic South community, including Rev. Sr. Clio Ajana, Rev. Fr. Moonraven-luvantas, Jen Dodson, Atterkopp, Beofeld, and Sanat Kumara. Each participant will represent and invoke a deity relevant to their personal practice and/or pantheon, and contribute to a communal altar-space. If you're

Friday July 26, 2024 10:00pm - 11:30pm EDT
Maplewood A

10:00pm EDT

Secret Witchy Dance Party
Step into a world where magick and music converge at the House of Witchcraft Secret Dance Party; a fun witchy dance party taking place during the Mystic South 2024 Conference in Atlanta, Georgia on Friday, July 26th, from 10:00 PM to 12:00 AM. As the veil between realms thins, attendees will be welcomed to contemporary beats and the chance to dance amongst fellow witches. Dress in your most enchanting attire and prepare to lose yourself in a night of mystical dance and mingling with fellow seekers of the unknown. Access is granted only to those brave enough to heed the whispers of the night, promising a night of mystery and magic like no other. Will you answer the call and join the dance?
See Anya for your first clue.

avatar for House of Witchcraft

House of Witchcraft

The House of Witchcraft is a global crossroad tradition that recognizes all paths to divinity. Through honor, reference, and respect, we accept, embrace, and celebrate the magick of the crossroads. We are individuals of many paths who recognize that our traditions do not need to be... Read More →

Friday July 26, 2024 10:00pm - Saturday July 27, 2024 12:00am EDT
House of Witchcraft - Hospitality Suite
Saturday, July 27

8:00am EDT

Maman Brigitte
Meet Maman Brigitte! A powerful, dark goddess who contains the formidable energies of Oya of western Africa and Brigid of Ireland. In her one-hour presentation, Pauline will highlight Maman Brigitte’s fascinating origins from the slave trade and her rise to prominence in the Deep South.  Pauline will introduce you to Brigitte, offer ways to connect with her and explain her relevance in today’s world as a dark goddess.

avatar for Pauline Breen

Pauline Breen

HiI'm Pauline. I'm super excited to present at Mystic Conference this year. I am a Priestess and author of Brigid. I have written three books on Brigid, showcasing her very different and unique faces. At Mystic South I will give a one hour presentation on Maman Brigitte, a fascinating... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

An Introduction to Druidry
Druidry is one of the largest segments of the modern Pagan movement. This presentation will cover what we know about the ancient Druids, how Druidry was revived in the 18th and 19th centuries, and how today's Druids combine magic and lore with a love of Nature and the spirits of Nature to create a spiritual path that's meaningful and relevant to our lives here and now.

avatar for John Beckett

John Beckett

John Beckett grew up in Tennessee with the woods right outside his back door. Wandering through them gave him a sense of connection to Nature and to a certain Forest God.John is a Druid in the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, a member of Ár nDraíocht Féin (ADF), a member of the... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

Consulting the Unbroken Wholeness: The Quantum Physics of Divination
Humans have been performing divination—the art of deriving information from the interpretation of omens—for the past 4,000 years. Hundreds of divination methods using tools as varied as rocks, playing cards, tea leaves, and entrails have been documented all over the world. Today pagans frequently perform divinations for a wide range of purposes, whether to seek wisdom or find a lost phone. But how does divination work? Most answers to this question rely on a supernatural explanation, but in 1980 physicist David Bohm advanced a radical new theory that provides a scientific basis for divination. Bohm claimed that the bizarre features of quantum physics could be explained by the fact that reality, at its deepest level, is an unbroken wholeness. In this session we'll explore Bohm's theories and discuss how they dovetail with neuroscience, metaphysics, and divinatory techniques to explain how divination works.

avatar for Brent Winter

Brent Winter

Brent is a former fundamentalist Christian who left the faith when he decided he could no longer tolerate the Apostle Paul’s misogyny. After that he passed through an agnostic phase, followed by an atheist phase; and then a fateful tarot card reading in the lobby of a fetish-themed... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Maplewood B

8:00am EDT

Daily Alchemy
Does it seem that your spiritual life and your everyday life don't mix? In this workshop, the presenters will lay out practical strategies demonstrating how participants can blend their spiritual practices into a mundane world and create their life on purpose.

Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

Interactive Dream Exploration
In this workshop, three dreamwork experts from the Dream Collective ATL will guide you through recognizing different types of dreams, and will lead a transpersonal dreamwork experience. 

During the workshop we will explore: 
Lucid dreaming
Subconscious dreams 
Shadow work
Travel/magick dreams
Ancestral dreams & more  

Participants are encouraged to bring a dream to share with the group! 

Join us to increase your dream awareness and open up a dialogue with your subconscious mind. Handouts and free resources will be provided. 

Start building your personal dreamwork practice!

avatar for Thomas


Hello, I am a board certified psychiatrist who practices at a charity clinic in Atlanta GA.  My interest in dream work began after reading Carl Jung's "Individual Dream Symbolism in Alchemy" and becoming acquainted with the Dream Institute in Berkeley.  More recently it has been... Read More →
avatar for Asha Lightbearer

Asha Lightbearer

Psychic Healer / Alchemical Hypnotherapist, Light Path Wisdom, LLC
avatar for Amina Mara

Amina Mara

The Dream World Podcast
Amina Mara MFA, is a dream researcher, podcast host and lucid dream coach. With a background in psychology from Emory University, Amina’s love for dreams and consciousness drives her to help pave the way for this emerging field of research. She founded the Dream World Podcast, an... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Dunwoody A

8:00am EDT

Queering the Runes
The Elder Futhark create a beautiful system of divination, though finding good information about them can be difficult - especially for queer, progressive, modern heathens and witches. Norse mythology includes an incredible diversity of gender and sexual expression, but this has been largely excluded from books published on contemporary heathenry or runic divination. Even worse, the runes have been wrongfully co-opted by white supremacists and heathens have to actively fight against this stereotype of the rune reader. In recent years, rune readers have been reclaiming the feminine side of the runes, bringing nuance to the craft. In this talk, Siri will explore the queer qualities of the runes through understanding pre-Christian Nordic gender concepts, translating that through a simulation and simulacra, and carving from this root culture a modern future-facing divination system.

Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

Spiritual Care at the End of Life - Creating Rituals & Celebrations for Religious & Non-Religious Folks
As Witches and part of the Pagan Community, we hold a unique place in providing spiritual care and support for others - particularly at the end of life. We have the perspective and practices to accompany individuals and their families as they prepare for the great transition. Join in this interactive workshop as we look at:
What is spiritual care?
What does this care look like for Religious & Non-Religious people & What are the Needs at this time?
How to perform a Spiritual Care History/Assessment?
How to create Rituals & Celebration of Life events to honor all.
We will also look at how to incorporate the Holy Writings and Philosophies of various traditions!

Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention
Tai Chi for Arthritis helps to increase strength, flexibility, mobility and balance. For people with or without arthritis, Tai Chi for Arthritis is a good way to start your journey to better health. It Ä°s an enjoyable and safe set of forms which delivers many health benefits.

avatar for Jay


Volunteers Co-coordinator

Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Dunwoody B

8:00am EDT

Will the real Medusa please stand up?
This is a look at the evolution of the story of Medusa over time. In addition to examining her various origin stories, I would like to offer ways to the listeners on how to honor Medusa and to use the Gorgons (gorgoneia) for personal protection and protection around the home environment.

avatar for JD Walker

JD Walker

I am a lifelong gardener with an interest in all things related to plants. Plants inform my practice and my understanding of the world. I am also fascinated the the metaphysical world -- other traditions, how it works (or doesn't) and the philosophy of paganism.

Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Maplewood A

9:30am EDT

Obstacle Removal with Brujeria and Curanderismo
Are you feeling stuck, as if the flow of your life has come to a halt?
Do your spells lack efficiency and effectiveness, with outcomes arriving slower than anticipated?
This stagnation could be a sign that your path is obstructed.
In this workshop, we'll explore the traditional Mexican practices of Brujeria (witchcraft) and Curanderismo (healing), with a special focus on using energy manipulation for obstacle removal.
This critical trabajo (spell) is designed to clear away blockages, ensuring smoother paths and the successful manifestation of goals, dissolving energetic blocks, shedding negativity, and fostering an environment where your desires can flourish.
Workshop Highlights:
Energy Manipulation: Understand the principles of directing and transforming energy to address and remove life's hurdles.
Brujeria for Obstacle Removal: Learn how this powerful form of Latin American witchcraft specializes in clearing paths, with specific spells and rituals designed to eliminate obstacles.
Curanderismo Techniques: Explore healing methods that complement Brujeria by cleansing and protecting your energy field, ensuring a sustained clear path.
Practical Application: Practice spells and rituals within a safe and supportive environment, gaining hands-on experience in energy manipulation for obstacle removal.
Ideal For: Anyone wanting to enhance their spiritual practice with traditional Latin American techniques for overcoming challenges and accelerating personal growth.
By the end of this session, you'll possess the tools and understanding necessary to navigate life's obstacles with grace and power, using energy manipulation to align your path with your highest intentions.

avatar for Wendy Mata Houseman

Wendy Mata Houseman

Founder, Bruja Power Botánica
Hello, my name is Wendy Mata I am a 5th generation Bruja Curandera by lineage and Initiated Mayan shaman, the founder of Bruja Power Botanica. After a successful career in tech, working for Fortune 500 companies, I retired to pursue my long lifetime passion of promoting the magical... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT

9:30am EDT

The Collective Unconscious: An Analysis of Tarot Symbolism and History
The Tower. The Universal Mother. The Prodigal Son. The archetypes of human consciousness traveled with tarot from Medici Italy into the rest of Europe and subsequently into the early 20th century, America. These images and ideas have been reflected in the historical tarot well before Carl Jung wrote about them in 1947. Jung found that symbols across cultures reflected the ideas, or archetypes, latent in all of human psychology. These archetypes work together to form our collective unconscious and are depicted in artifacts culture after culture, decade after decade, century after century. The tarot offers one such rich avenue of exploration of our human psyche, its manifest hopes, dreams and fears. Not only does tarot depict the ocean of our minds from eons (some decks do have an actual eon card), but contemporary cards have morphed to incorporate more of Jung's interpretation of our psyches. For example, Ellen Dugan's famous deck, Witches Tarot, replaces card number 15, The Devil, with "The Shadow Side," a clear reflection of one of the four major archetypes. Dugan's "karma" card replaces Judgement. Whether you use tarot as a form of Jungian meditation, therapy as discussed in the Journal of the American Medical Association (1994), or as divination, this overview will provide a contextual analysis of the cards, their history and symbolism. Drawing upon two decades as a reader and tarot analysis presented at the American Popular Culture Association, the author will take us on a journey through the major arcana using traditional Rider-Waite iconography, then present a collection of slides comparing how those symbols fare in the contemporary flourishing of modern decks since the 1970's. Suits will be discussed, as well as their corresponding elements and how those elements manifest in newer card publications. Special attention will be given to Beatles Tarot and Starman Tarot (David Bowie), both collector's editions, but many more popular decks will be discussed, including Everyday Witch, The Celtic Tarot, Wild Wood Tarot, Tarot of the 78 Doors, the plethora of Halloween-themed decks, Light Seer's Tarot and its sister deck Muse Tarot among others.

How do these so often fascinating and creative niche decks both expand and alter meaning? What gets left behind?


Saturday July 27, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT

9:30am EDT

Sovereign, Seer, & Sorcerer
Embark upon a journey to experience the three rays of witchcraft. Inspired by a vision of Awen and the science of the rays, we will explore the cosmology that is the foundation of the Temple of Witchcraft tradition. Each ray offers unique opportunities for magick, knowledge, and initiation. The three rays weave together diverse strands of modern Witchcraft into a cohesive body of magickal lore fostering personal evolution and enlightenment. Join us as we walk the roads of the Sovereign, the Seer, and the Sorcerer in a transformative journey of love, will, and wisdom.

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HPS, Aquarius Lead, Temple of Witchcraft
Sellena is a High Priestess and Ordained minister of the Temple of Witchcraft. She is Aquarius Lead Minister and works with the Sagittarius Ministry as a Teacher. She also works with Pisces Ministry facilitating sabbat and ritual events in Jackson, MS.Her ministry focuses on community... Read More →
avatar for Michael Usher

Michael Usher

Capricorn Lead Minister, Temple of Witchcraft
avatar for Nathan M. Hall

Nathan M. Hall

Author, Mystic South Board
Nathan M. Hall is a witch, animist, initiate of the Anderson Feri Tradition, and member of the Temple of Witchcraft. He lives in South Florida where he values an intimate connection and partnership with the spirits of the land, tends to a small garden and small family and runs rituals... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT
Dunwoody A

9:30am EDT

Bellydance for EveryBODY
Join Lucas for a belly dance fusion flow for all genders, ages, and experience levels. Belly dance is a challenging brain teaser that promotes mind-body connection while also being gentle on the joints. This class is an opportunity to drop into the moment while you warm up and wake up your body through dance - giving you an enlivening, joyful way to prepare for other physical activity throughout Mystic South! We'll stretch, shimmy, and explore step combinations that feel good inside and out.


Lucas Kade

Transsexual belly dancer, witch, and writer -- based in Atlanta, GA.

Saturday July 27, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT
Dunwoody B

9:30am EDT

Cards Infused With Southern Magic
I am a Memphis-born artist and mystic whose work centers around themes of Southern esoterica, magic and history. My first oracle deck, The Southern Gothic Oracle, harnessed small slices of Southern folklore and magic to spin a unique method of divination. After publishing 2 more Southern-themed oracle decks, I have finally embarked on a tarot about the Southern origins of American music history (country, blues, etc). In this workshop I’ll share the unique challenges of creating a unique yet parallel interpretation of card meanings using regional history instead of the usual RWS. I will share examples of my process, and also observe other thematic decks to consider how alternative imagery leads to new interpretations.

avatar for Stacey Williams-Ng

Stacey Williams-Ng

Art Director, La Panthère Studio

Saturday July 27, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT

9:30am EDT

Co-religiosity and Paganism
Many of us have encountered a novel issue – we are often not co-religious even with people who on paper share the same branch of religion as us. Co-religious meaning that we are co-religionists; that we share the same religion, recognizing our beliefs and practices in the religious beliefs and practices of others. If we are going to join others in worship, where do we draw our own personal lines of belief and practice? Unfortunately, we do not often know our own limits until we reach them or in the very least question them. What concessions are we personally alright with? What is most important to us? Where is the middle ground between breadth and depth of belief and practice that we are comfortable with? Join this workshop for an honest and open discussion about one of the elephants in the room when pagans choose to congregate- co-religiosity.


Saturday July 27, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT
Maplewood B

9:30am EDT

Pen and Paper Magick
If you have a pen and something to write on, you can make magick! Learn to craft talismans, seals, and sigils for a variety of magickal purposes. Join a long-time practitioner and presenter (over 20 years) and unlock the secrets of symbols, both ancient and modern. In this hands-on workshop (no artistic talent required), learn how every stroke of your pen holds the potential to weave spells and manifest your desires. We will also discuss how to create and deploy these powerful magickal tools when you are away from your home or altar. By the end of this session, you will have everything you need to be able to take this practical and versatile skill with you wherever you go.

avatar for Dee


Witch, Author, Black Candle Cottage
Dee Norman is an author and witch who grew up in her family’s Italian American magical tradition. She is the author of Burn a Black Candle: An Italian American Grimoire (Watkins, 2022). And she is a contributor to Llewellyn’s Complete Book of North American Folk Magic (Llewellyn... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT

9:30am EDT

Perfection of Chaos: A Sacred Wounding Workshop
We all carry within us a sacred wound. In this workshop we will use guided meditation to discover what those wounds are. We will discover the meaning behind the pain and learn the difference between wallowing and embracing. We have forgotten that our bodies are the classroom of our souls’ journey. We are here to experience, to live, to learn, and to heal. Chiron will show us how to open the cracks of our souls and step through the portal of possibilities.


Saturday July 27, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT

9:30am EDT

The Archaeology of Elves, Dwarves and Faries in Medieval Northern Europe and Scandinavia
Elves, Dwarves and Faires are some of the most mysterious figures in all of Northern European religions and folklore from Heathenry to celtic paganism and everything in-between. Often thanks to modern media elves are seen as benevolent guardians of nature, Dwarves seen as diminutive blacksmiths and faries as either adorable sprites or horrible monsters. However, the real picture of Elves, Dwarves and Faries gets far more complex as we go further into the past. Is it possible that in medieval Europe Elves, Dwarves and Faries were one in the same? In order to solve this question and to better understand where these figures fit in pagan religions this workshop will examine the archaeological and textual evidence of all three of these beings ranging from the rock art and megaliths Europe's Bronze age and Early Iron age to the Anglo saxon Elf shot charms and Weyland the Smith.

Saturday July 27, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am EDT
Maplewood A

11:00am EDT

Witches and Fairies
A deep dive into the complex history of the connection between witches and fairies, from the Scottish witchcraft trial evidence to modern practice. The lecture will cover what we know about Scottish and Irish witches learning from fairies, how those relationships often played out, and what the fairies taught witches in folklore. We will also explore the idea of a fairy as a witch's familiar spirit and how the fairy familiar differed considerably from the more well-known demonic familiar, as well the risks and benefits for a witch in nurturing connections with these beings.

avatar for Morgan Daimler

Morgan Daimler

Morgan Daimler is a witch who has been a polytheist since the early ’90′s. Following a path inspired by the Irish Fairy Faith blended with neopagan witchcraft. Morgan teaches classes on Irish myth and magical practices, fairies, and related subjects in the United States and internationally... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT

11:00am EDT

Women, Politics & Power in Pre-Christian Scandinavia
From pages of manuscripts, from oral traditions and graves, the images of powerful women are gradually re-emerging. The figures of goddesses, seidhrkonnur, royalty and warriors leap forward to challenge the stereotype of feeble and weak-minded woman perennially in need of a man's care.
Breaking free from the ideological vaults guarded by various religious and political powers, women's voices grow stronger. Hundreds of years passing and sustained efforts from monotheistic religions failed to erase them form living memory albeit reducing them to mere shadows of their former selves. But, through the work of historians, archaeologists, anthropologists and translators of old languages, new light is shed on the past. Recent translations and analysis of poems and saga material inform us that Valkyries' roles extended beyond that of carrying out Odin's orders on the battlefield, and historical records shows that women warriors were not mere myth. Archaeological findings back up the accounts given by many historians about women wielding great authority due to their competence as ritual specialists. The emerging image challenges assumptions, and women from the past stand so tall and proud that make the establishment squirm.
"Women, Politics and Power in Pre-Christian Scandinavia" offers a brief survey of women's relationship to power in Pagan Scandinavia from Bronze Age, approximately, until 1000CE. Based on saga material, academic studies, and work of scholars in the fields of anthropology, this paper highlights the roles and influence that women had in social, political, spiritual spheres as well as direct participation in trade and warfare. The paper invites modern audiences to connect intellectually with the political and spiritual landscape of Heathen times and derive ideas about reshaping the landscape of beliefs in our modern society.

avatar for Daniela Simina

Daniela Simina

Author, Teacher, Heathen, Fairy Witch
Daniela Simina is native of Romania, granddaughter of a Fairy Seer and medicine woman. She became acquainted with fairies through the local lore and folklore and through direct personal experience. Growing up, Daniela explored European nature-based traditions of spiritual healing... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT

11:00am EDT

The Invocation of the Eighteenth Eidolon
Join author J.R. Mascaro in calling the Eighteenth Eidolon, a manifested emanation of justice, equanimity, and compassion. Awash in the Radiant presence of the Eidolon, you will resonate in clarity with the divine thoughtpulse of existence, allowing for rapid processing and iteration of revelatory visions, spiritual healing, and loving awareness.


Saturday July 27, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Dunwoody A

11:00am EDT

Botanical Tricksters - Dancing on the Edge
The clever floral tricksters create a reality that fools even the keenest in the animal world -including us. Their antics, as with other tricksters, can be humorous and playful. Yet their behavior can also unsettle us deeply, pushing the boundaries of human norms and transgressing established plant culture. Working with botanical tricksters can be rewarding as they can provide the transformative reality-bending energy we need. But beware the green trickster. Join us as we explore the world of botanical tricksters and how to safely work with them. We will end our workshop by riding with the green trickster via an embodiment meditation. This workshop explores topics from the forthcoming book, Green Gnosis, written by Anastasha Verde in collaboration with the publisher Scarlet Imprint.

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Anastasha Verde

Plant Ecologist, Ethnobotanist
Anastasha Verde is a plant ecologist and pagan living in the foothills of Appalachia. She is a priestess of Gaia and has been practicing for over 35+ years. Anastasha holds a Ph.D. in Botany and has taught, published, and presented on topics ranging from ethnobotany to climate change... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT

11:00am EDT

Intro to the Akashic Records
There are a lot of notes, definitions, experiences, ways to access, opinions and interest in the Akashic Records. The great thing is that there is no wrong answer. The Akashic Records house your soul's history, so naturally you're going to experience them in whatever way makes sense to you. This introduction is all about you and helping you understand and access your information within the Records, or in other words, the who, what, where, when, and whys of the Akashic Records. There will be a brief discussion about the Akashic Records, and then a guided meditation to access them.

avatar for Leslie Sampson

Leslie Sampson

I am  a writer. I wrote my first fiction story when I was seven years old and I have been writing ever since.  My latest work, Find Your Twin Flame,  is the culmination of almost twenty years of research about twin flames; which is the topic that is closest to my heart. I’m also... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Maplewood A

11:00am EDT

Learn the Basics of the Thoth Tarot
Are you interested in using the Thoth Tarot, but don't know where to begin? Are you enticed by its layered symbolism, modern art, and fresh approach to Tarot? The Thoth deck, realized by Frieda Lady Harris under the instruction of Aleister Crowley, is a powerful way to expand and revitalize your magical practice. In this workshop we will unravel the history, symbolism, meaning, and practical ways to use the Thoth Tarot. You will leave with an understanding of not only what this deck is, but also how to use it.

avatar for Maevius Lynn

Maevius Lynn

Ordo Templi Orientis
Maevius Lynn is a ceremonial magician and occultist whose particular focus of her path is Thelema. She is an artist, writer, and YouTuber who is particularly interested in making the occult accessible and inclusive. She currently resides in North Carolina where she is active in her... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Maplewood B

11:00am EDT

Loud & Fat Again - Making our Space, Loving that Space
Last year a group came together to celebrate our "curves, lumps, and bumps" and to fight a system that shames us "via self-love and community." After getting stood up, the group created our own sacred space, creating a spontaneous moment of community, love, sharing, support and healing ritual. We want to create that sacred space again, to dive more deeply into the love, healing, and revolution needed for body liberation in all spaces - from ritual to residential, classroom to coven! We will explore and celebrate shape with reflection, movement/music, and make time for everyone to share their feelings and experiences, as well as how these connect (or don't) with their ritual/spiritual experiences. And spend time talking about ways to advocate for accessibility for all bodies.

Saturday July 27, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Dunwoody B

11:00am EDT

Magickal Music
Since times BC, bells have been used to celebrate, sound an alarm, and ward off evil. Join Rissa Miller for a quick look at bells over time, and how the custom evolved into Witch bells ~ small, personalized sets of bells that typically hang on a door or within a home/workspace. They create sound for magical workings, speaking to spirit though the air with music, while other witch bells are used for calling ghosts and other entities. During the event, make your own witch bells and learn how to use them for practical, protective, and spiritual ends.

Saturday July 27, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT

11:00am EDT

New Tales, Old Gods -- Our Approach to Speculative Fiction
As speculative fiction writers, we started with ordinary characters dealing with extraordinary circumstances. Imagine our surprise when, one by one, the Elder Gods started poking their heads into the story. They weren't asking that the old stories be retold – how many re-contextualized versions of, say, Hades and Persephone do we really need? They weren't even asking to be the focus of the story. They simply wanted to be part of it. Sounds simple, right? Think again. We found ourselves dealing with mixing pantheons, changes in role and purpose, and deities who weren't who we've been told they were (Loki, I'm looking at you), just to name a few of the issues. Let's have a conversation on how we made it work with a combination of Google, chutzpah, and Unverified Personal Gnosis.

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Noctua Designs

Noctua Designs
Artisan handcrafted jewelry, plus pagan-oriented speculative fiction

Saturday July 27, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT

11:00am EDT

The Witches Herbal Apocathery: How to add Herbs into your Magical Practice
Herbs have been used for thousands of years for magic and spirituality; in this lecture we will discuss herbs that can be integrated into a magical herbal practice. We will discuss not only the historical uses but talk about which ones can be grown in the south and give examples of how they can amplify a magical spell or ritual.


Saturday July 27, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Cronehood through a Transnational Feminist Lens
This paper offers a transnational feminist interpretation of 21st century cronehood. Articulated by Adrienne Rich in 1984 and criticized and evolved by Caren Kaplan, the concept of politics of location provides a framework for an examination of how cronehood is presented through highlights of intersectional aspects of identities that appear in contemporary society. Through this lens this article looks at how stereotypes of cronehood and a rising popularity of menopause ties a deeper and more diverse understanding of cronehood as a series of nuanced identities, rather than a singular one. This paper explores how the politics of trauma, gender, and race in the presentation of contemporary cronehood challenges a traditional dominant narrative that is not as fully explored as the narrative of maiden and mother within the maiden-mother-crone trope. It argues that utilization of a transnational feminist lens allows a vital first step to widen and further engage the many who might lay claim to the label crone but for its narrow interpretation. Thus this article argues against a purely singular view of cronehood and for a broader representative and universal version of cronehood.

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Carla-Elaine Johnson Ph.D.

Our Lady of Celestial Fire - Temple of Olympus
Clio Ajana revels in life explorations as a Death Midwife, an Archiereia of Hellenic Alexandrian Witchcraft & Spiritual Tradition, Devotee of Laima (Romuva -Baltic Indigenous Tradition),  a ordained member of the House of Our Lady of Celestial Fire, E.O.C.T.O., a numerologist, educator... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Advanced Energy Tasting
In first Energy Tasting workshop we explored how in a blind sampling we can since the basic properties of natural materials, how natural materials change energy when it passes through them, and find for ourselves how to best use that item in our energy workings. In Advanced Energy Tasting we will try to isolate other factors that impact our perceptions like shape and texture. As before we explore how subjectively experiencing how natural materials, and magickal tools made from them, truly change magickal energy that passes through them can prove eye-opening, especially when when compared to expectations. This knowledge will help you pick the right tool for a given magickal job, help you find an alternative when you don’t have what you want on hand, and inspire you to find other novel ways of getting a job done.

avatar for Scott Brown

Scott Brown

Vendor / Presenter, Dream Wolf Photography
Pagan Photographer, Computer Engineer, and Co-Author of The Modern Totemist.

Saturday July 27, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Bird, Cattle, and Wolf: The Morigan As Shape-Shifter
The Morigan is an ancient Irish goddess frequently associated with warfare and Magick. Yet in many myths, the Morigan shape-shifts, influencing major events in Irish mythology. This class will begin with a brief introduction to the Morigan, with a special focus on the myths in which the Morigan changes shape. Through original exercises inspired by these mythologies, participants will have the opportunity to explore ways in which they can shift different courses of events in their personal lives.

avatar for Courtney Weber

Courtney Weber

Courtney Weber is a Witch, award-winning author, Tarot adviser, and influencer. She is the author of Brigid: History, Mystery, and Magick of the Celtic Goddess; Tarot for One: The Art of Reading for Yourself; The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might; Hekate: Goddess of Witches... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Maplewood A

1:00pm EDT

Divine Embodiment: Assumption, Drawing Down, Aspecting, Possession
Most magickal traditions use some form of divine embodiment in their rituals in which a ritualist becomes for a time the vehicle for the presence of one of the Great Ones. When it works, it is awe-inspiring, and can act as a great catalyst for change. When it fails, and is no more than role playing or ritual theater, it can encourage cynicism, disillusionment, and diminished expectations of what is possible in ritual. The strengths and the weaknesses of assumption of god forms, drawing down, aspecting, and divine possession will be compared to each other.

avatar for Ivo Dominguez Jr.

Ivo Dominguez Jr.

Ivo Dominguez, Jr. has been active in Wiccan and the Pagan community since 1978. Ivo is a founding member and first High Priest of Keepers of the Holly Chalice, the first Assembly of the Sacred Wheel coven. He currently serves as one of the Elders of the ASW. Ivo is the author of... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Energy Magick
Energy is the heart of magick. Whether it is a candle spell, a prayer, or a ritual- there is an energy that is channeled and directed. Learn how to manipulate magick without the need for tools. In this class we will cover everything from cycling energy with natural sources to power magick, to creating artificial "ghosts" made of energy to do your will, how to use sigils to direct energy, and doing powerful direct energetic spells effective at close range or a distance and much more. Techniques are taken from my new book "Energy Magick" by Moon Books.

avatar for Mark NeCamp Jr

Mark NeCamp Jr

Executive Director, The Invisible College
Mark NeCamp, Jr. is an adventurer, entrepreneur, public speaker, healer, author, poet, teacher, spiritual alchemist, and modern day student and practitioner of the Art. He teaches classes using magick as a tool for personal growth. He is passionate for how we each can, through the... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Folklore Save the Witch: How the Development of Folklore Studies Helped Precipitate the Modern Witchcraft Revival
Throughout the early chapters of human history, the witch was regarded not as mere fiction but as a menacing and frightening reality. However, during the Enlightenment of the 18th century, her existence became threatened as superstitious beliefs gave way to rationalist thinking. Simultaneously, a burgeoning fascination with the study of folklore swept across Europe. Unwittingly, it was this interest that would, in part, help the witch to not only endure but to become fully embodied two centuries later. In this class, we will discuss the intriguing development of folklore studies and the pivotal role it played during the modern witchcraft revival of the 20th century.

avatar for Kelden


Kelden has been practicing Traditional Witchcraft for more than a decade. He is the author of The Crooked Path: An Introduction to Traditional Witchcraft, The Witches' Sabbath: An Exploration of History, Folklore, and Modern Practice, and All Them Witches: Folktales & Rhymes. Additionally... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Goddess Moving Meditation- Design your own personal, daily practice.
Doing something every day with the intention of releasing blocks and laying the path for a focused, desired life is a must-have as we shift into the Aquarian age. The amazing rise in environmental consciousness and awareness of the rights of individuals are coupled with xenophobia and partisan politics in this powerful, 2000-year shift. Now, more than ever, it's important to discover and practice the tools of this path that work for you. We will write and move in this workshop while we groove with the Gods & Goddesses to live in spiritual truth. As we move through the seasons, our focus must change. Using this formula for creating a moving meditation, you'll be able to adapt to the needs of your life. I mix my psychology, priestess and dance training into this one-of-a-kind workshop, bringing the mind, body, and the spirit into the mix.

avatar for Terran (Terri)

Terran (Terri)

Writing Coach/Ritual Facilitator, Edge of Perception
Terran is a writer, a dancer, and a life-long learner. She holds a Master of Science in Applied Psychology, is a certified Farland Fiction Writing Coach and produced two "Learn To Bollywood" instructional dvds, plus her own fiction novels and spiritual burn books. She owned her own... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Dunwoody B

1:00pm EDT

Lunar Witchcraft for Evolving Consciousness
The workshop outlines a year-long framework for witchcraft by lunar cycles meant to balance and strengthen ourselves through the 12 zodiac signs. The focus of this approach is on the six pairings of signs across the Wheel of the Year from each other, which form six axes of consciousness, and how that magick is worked during the light and dark half of the year. Also discussing how each Dark and Full Moon along those axes can aid our growth, working lunations in nine phases, and how Lunar Leadership shifts after Blue and Black moons within the larger 19-year Soli-lunar Metonic cycle. Based on my forthcoming book: Lunar Witchcraft.


Saturday July 27, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Maplewood B

1:00pm EDT

Mediumship is the practice of communicating with and relaying messages from deceased individuals. As a Medium, I believe that the human soul or consciousness survives physical death and continues to interact with the living, as we are pure energy. During this lecture/workshop, I will touch upon various methods to connect with your loved ones, including Clairvoyance (seeing spirits), Clairaudience (hearing spirits), and Clairsentience (feeling the presence or emotions of spirits), to name a few. The group will be split up in order to allow attendees to try different forms of divination, such as Black Mirror Scrying, Automatic Writing, and Pendulum communication. My goal by the end of this class, is to give you a clearer picture of what Mediumship is, what some of the tools are, how to use them, and some insight as to what is beyond the Veil.

avatar for Debra Lori

Debra Lori

Debra Lori is a 3rd Degree Alexandrian, High Priestess of her coven, The Phoenix Rising, and was born and raised in Salem, Massachusetts. She is an Interfaith Minister, an Elder in the New Wiccan Church, International, as well as a full-time Psychic/Medium. As a gifted psychic medium... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

Opening Our Hearts to the Presence, Love, and Guidance of Personal Deities and Other Spirits
By conjuring a safe space with centering and grounding and using several breathing methods, including the Shamanic Breathwork Process, accompanied by evocative music, we will take a heart centered journey with the deities and other spirits whose nature is to show love and guidance!

Participants are encouraged to: bring a water bottle with water, or another non alcoholic drink; to dress in layers or bring a sheet or blanket to deal with temperature variations; a cushion if the chairs are too hard for you; a journal to note your feelings and any messages you receive.

For those with current heart issues or breathing problems, those In, or those prone to hallucinating, the gentler heart focused breathing practices should be used throughout when others are doing a more rapid and intense breathing

Saturday July 27, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Dunwoody A

3:00pm EDT

Money Drawing Magic: Spiritual Practices to Call Prosperity
Money Drawing Magic explores spiritual and magical techniques aimed at attracting financial abundance and prosperity. The workshop delves into various mystical practices, rituals, and methods from different cultural and spiritual traditions, with the goal of harnessing metaphysical forces to enhance one's financial well-being. It covers topics such as candle magic, visualization, affirmations, and other rituals associated with drawing wealth and abundance. Students can expect to learn about the principles of using magical practices to influence their financial circumstances and gain insights into how these practices can be incorporated into their lives to manifest positive financial outcomes.


Saturday July 27, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

Reconstructing the Worship of Serapis
The Greco-Egyptian god Serapis was very popular in Classical and Late Antiquity, with temples and adherents throughout Egypt and the wider Mediterranean; but he is little known among Pagans today. Evidence of his worship spans seven centuries during Classical and Late Antiquity. Originally known by the Egyptian name "Osiris-Apis", he was the sacred Apis bull which, after his sacrifice, spiritually fused with the river and underworld deity Osiris. After the Macedonian conquest of Egypt in 323 B.C.E., and the god's reception by Ptolemy I Soter in 286 B.C.E., he was known in Attic Greek as "Sarapis", which was the most common spelling until the Roman conquest of 30 B.C.E. The Koine Greek, and Latin Serapis, was his name from that time forward. His original cultus ended with the destruction of the Serapeum of Alexandria in 391 C.E. With a wealth of primary sources and current scholarship available, Greco-Egyptian and Roman reconstructionist Pagans who sense a calling from Serapis have much to draw upon. In my view, the only obstacle to a widespread revived cult is a lack of familiarity. In this paper I will trace the evolution of his cultus by surveying primary sources and more recent scholarship, and examine contemporary examples of his reconstructed worship.

avatar for Polly Springhorn

Polly Springhorn

M.Div. student, Theology & Religious History, Cherry Hill Seminary
Polly Springhorn is an M.Div. student at Cherry Hill Seminary, studying Theology and Religious History. She is also a Gardnerian High Priestess, initiated in 1996, elevated to 3rd degree in 2002, and the leader of the Gardnerian Coven Daoine Sidhe (DEE-nah shee) in Oakland, California... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

Ariadne's Tribe Ritual: Together We Are Joy!
Join us as we share a colorful and lively ritual celebrating the joy of connection with the divine. Last year's ritual was contemplative; this year's will be dynamic! Meet the deities Thumia and Kaulo and discover the joy of embodied community.

This ritual will be framed by the Tribe ritual format with its six sections: Preparing, Inviting, Welcoming, Offering, Listening, and Returning. We'll explore and express the joy of sound and movement in our bodies as a way to connect with the deities and each other. No singing or dancing experience is necessary. If you have a body, you're qualified to participate. People of all levels of physical ability are invited to join; this is an accessible celebration.

If you have jingly bells of any sort (ankle bells, hip bells, etc.) and/or a tambourine, please wear/bring them. You're also invited to wear the color red to honor the deities. Please line up in the hallway just outside the door so we can begin the ritual with a procession into the sacred space. Together we are joy!

avatar for Laura Perry

Laura Perry

Ariadne's Tribe
Laura Perry is an artist, writer, and the founder and Temple Mom of Ariadne’s Tribe. The Minoans of Bronze Age Crete have been a passion of hers since a fateful art history class introduced her to the colorful frescoes of ancient Knossos way back in high school. In addition to her... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Dunwoody B

3:00pm EDT

Bone Magick
Bone Magick is a workshop instructing on how to incorporate bones and other small items into your practice. In this workshop you will learn how to connect with the energy of the bones and other items and utilize them for magickal workings. We will cover the power in working with bones and go over individual meanings and uses. You will learn how to personalize your own magick with them. You will also discover how to waken their spirit. This type of magick may be used in all traditions and paths. This is a hands-on class, where you will actually create a magickal item!

avatar for Atalanta Moonfire

Atalanta Moonfire

Instructor/ Vendor, Atalanta Moonfire
Author of "Throwing the Bones, Divination for the Modern Practitioner", Atalanta will be focusing on divination by casting bones, or Osteomancy. Her new book, "Throwing the Bones, Divination For the Advanced Diviner", is due to be released this year. Graduate of Harvard EDU, "Omens... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

Deep Green Witchcraft
Witchcraft quite often involves working magic in accord with the tides of nature, the phases of the moon, the sun, the stars and the seasons. For some witches, this leaning into the curve of the natural world calls to a deeper need, one to build relationship on a very intimate level with the land they live on and the invisible world of spirits that live within it. In this presentation, Dodie Graham McKay, author of "Earth Magic" will discuss ways to expand your practice and dive deeper into the green world.

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Dodie Graham McKay

Filmmaker & Author, Moongazey Films Inc
Dodie Graham McKay is a writer, green witch, Gardnerian priestess and filmmaker. She is inspired to document and share stories that capture the beauty of nature and the visible and invisible realms of magic and witchcraft. She is the author of the book Earth Magic: The Elements of... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Maplewood B

3:00pm EDT

Fat Witch Yoga
A gentle practice for people of all shapes, sizes, and abilities interested in deepening their relationship with self and spirit. Absolute Beginners and those with More Experience are both welcome to attend. Explore themes of present moment awareness, self acceptance, and connection to nature through slow, flowing sequences and longer holds. Bring a yoga mat or beach towel. Chairs will be incorporated into the practice and are available for anyone not comfortable being on the floor.


Saturday July 27, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Dunwoody A

3:00pm EDT

In Search of the Witch
'Witch' is a loaded term that has had many meanings. In this fun and informative lecture, Heather will use her background as a journalist, film historian, and practicing witch to demonstrate the variations across history. In doing so, she will share the essence of the witch - a thread to ties it all together: the heart beat of the rebel.

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Heather Greene

Heather is a freelance journalist, film historian, and editor at Llewellyn Worldwide.  She is the author of the award winning book "Lights Camera Witchcraft: A Critical History of Witchcraft in American Film and Television."

Saturday July 27, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

Mysteries of Wyrd: The Call of the Fates
The "Call of the Fates" comes to us all in our own ways. It is the call to deep meaning, purpose, magic, and soul; it is the call to revelation, healing-transformation, and becoming; it is the call to Wyrd"to the ways of fate, destiny, nature, soul, and magic. Let's explore this Call in sacred community circle together. How has the Call manifested in your life? To what are you being called? How can you, and we, attune to, and trust, this call more and more? Come share your experience and wisdom, or, simply come to listen and observe. Let us be guides for one another as we heed the Call.

avatar for Ash McKernan

Ash McKernan

Ash McKernan is a licensed psychotherapist (MFT) for individuals, families, and groups, as well as an ecotherapist, performing bard, life-long explorer of wyrd, and author of the book Wyrdcraft: Healing Self and Nature Through the Mysteries of the Fates (Llewellyn). Ash currently... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

Pouring Water: A modern Pagan approach to grief
Kispum is a ritual of relationships with the dead that began in Sumerian/Akkadian (2500 BCE) culture and continues today. The workshop explores practices and one-part rituals for the Pagan and occult communities to maintain connections with departed loved ones and honor ancestors. I incorporate Continuing Bonds Theory as a modern (1970s) alternative to the Western Detachment Theory of "letting go" of the dead.

This perspective embraces the idea of ongoing relationships beyond death, focusing on rituals, commemorations, and sacred practices that sustain these connections. My modern take emphasizes the significance of these enduring ties, providing insight into how such traditions and rituals within Pagan spirituality foster a sense of continuity and reverence for the deceased within the living world. It is a living practice with prayers that have ancient roots but are designed for seekers in modern times.

The session includes an optional pouring water ritual which attendees are welcome to participate. Come with the names of beloved dead. The ritual will be explained.


Saturday July 27, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Maplewood A

3:00pm EDT

The Magick of Lucid Dreaming
In this workshop we will discuss the unique opportunities available to the magickal practitioner who also happens to engage the realms of lucid dreaming. By going beyond the common belief that dreams are completely a product of our own individual consciousness to an enchanted mindset where dreams are precognitive, transpersonal and transtemporal, avenues of deep magick and spiritual growth become possible. We will discuss both sides of the coin: magick that can be done to help predispose the magician to lucid dreaming, as well as types of magick that can be done within the lucid space that have a direct benefit upon life in ordinary reality. Participants will be prompted to spend time testing various reality checks, constructing lucid dream plans and engaging an example of a short lucidity inducing meditation exercise. Nikki's book on lucid magick will be out in early 2025 with Llewellyn Publications.


Nikki Wardwell Sleath

Founder/High Priestess, Society of Witchcraft and Old Magick
Nikki Wardwell Sleath has been practicing witchcraft for thirty years and was formally trained as an initiate and priestess in the Religious Order of Witchcraft. She has since founded her own private order focusing on American Witchcraft which is the Society of Witchcraft and Old... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

Cherry Hill Seminary Discussion Group: Reclaiming-Restoring-Releasing our former religions
Community: Reclaiming-Restoring-Releasing our former religions.

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Cherry Hill Seminary

Cherry Hill Seminary is the leading provider of education and practical training in leadership, ministry, and personal growth in Pagan and Nature-Based spiritualities.

Saturday July 27, 2024 3:00pm - 4:15pm EDT
Cherry Hill - Suite 201

4:00pm EDT

Moon Book Authors Signing and Meet/Greet
Six fabulous Moon Books authors invite you to join us for social time, refreshments, and book signings! Come hang out with Pauline Breen, Morgan Daimler, Mark NeCamp, Laura Perry, Taren S. and Daniela Simina. Show up any time during the event to chat, get your book(s) signed, and have a good time with your fellow magical people!

avatar for House of Witchcraft

House of Witchcraft

The House of Witchcraft is a global crossroad tradition that recognizes all paths to divinity. Through honor, reference, and respect, we accept, embrace, and celebrate the magick of the crossroads. We are individuals of many paths who recognize that our traditions do not need to be... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
House of Witchcraft - Hospitality Suite

4:30pm EDT

SoulCraft: The Importance of Death from Fairy Belief to UAP
The paper presents an interdisciplinary look at a shared aspect undergirding many of our common beliefs surrounding interactions with the Otherworld: that of death, our final transition into realms yet unknown. Primary focuses include connections between near-death experiences, psychopomps, worldwide fairy belief, anomalous lights, shamanism, ancient monuments, and ley lines and other "death roads" found across the globe. Special attention is given to the remarkable abilities claimed by experiencers of these phenomenaaabilities that, in a context outside of the secularized modern West, would have been understood as in service to the greater community as spiritual leaders and intercessors with the divine. Through a comparative study of these various contact modalities, a consistency of belief across time and culture is revealed a consistency born not out of any ancient worldwide civilization, but rather from humanity's collective interaction with the spirit world and the objective reality it represents. The conclusion addresses the current Western obsession with UFOs/UAP and how, despite the modern veneer of the discussion, these contemporary accounts are nothing more than reinventions of ancient archetypesaarchetypes we have long known to be true, from eons of lived experience. For example, the contemporary depiction of UAP as "interstellar vehicles" appears to be a modern reinvention of the psychopomp's boat, and, although it may run contrary to popular sensibilities, it might in reality serve the exact same purpose: transporting our souls to their final destination. By embracing the ontology of the more-than-human world, we, as a species, stand to learn just as much about ourselves as we do about these phenomena.


Saturday July 27, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm EDT

4:30pm EDT

Stirring the Cauldrons
In this ritual-meets-workshop, we'll use the mythology of the Cauldrons of Poesy as a guide to experience how simple movements, altar work, and visualization techniques can invigorate our magical practice regardless of age, ability, experience, or tradition. These Cauldrons help us connect the mind, body, and spirit, aiding us to become more present in our physical and emotional selves which in turn empowers our magical practice.

avatar for Laura Tempest Zakroff

Laura Tempest Zakroff

Laura Tempest Zakroff (she/they) is a professional artist, author, performer, and Modern Traditional Witch based in New England. She holds a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, and her artwork has received awards and honors worldwide. Her work embodies myth and the esoteric... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm EDT
Dunwoody B

4:30pm EDT

Burning the Past, a Maker Healing Practice
I would like to introduce conference goers to the Maker tradition, which is not well known at all even though it's been practiced quietly in Appalachia for about 200 years. My teacher was taught the tradition by his grandfather, who lived in Knox Co. KY. Until my teacher started teaching online, the tradition was only taught down familial lines to those family members who had 'the knack.' I would like to share a Maker practice called Burning the Past with conference goers along with some relevant Maker cosmology. Burning the Past is a self-healing practice used for recovering energy tied up in past memories. It's one of the first practices taught to those learning to become a Maker. It's a method though, that anyone can benefit from, no matter what their practice is. I'd be honored to share this simple but potentially life changing tool with Mystic South conference goers. Participants might want to consider bringing a blanket to wrap themselves in.

Saturday July 27, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm EDT
Maplewood A

4:30pm EDT

Connecting With Unnamed Deities: deep relationship with gods lost to time
Many of us are called by deities; sometimes we struggle to find out who it is. But what if a name eludes us? What if we are called by a new deity, or one lost to time? For the past five years, Arya has been devoted to an unnamed Storm Goddess, and is now oathed to Her and serves as Her priest. In this workshop, we discuss creating a devotional practice from the ground up, using experimentation and personal experience. Getting to know our deities; building a trusting relationship; learning directly from Them; using Unverified Personal Gnosis to guide research; connecting with others on similar paths; being part of a community. All of these are possible without a name or established practice, and we will go over specific approaches, techniques, and challenges. The Gods are returning now more than ever. If their worship is lost to time, we can bring it back.


Saturday July 27, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm EDT
Dunwoody A

4:30pm EDT

Daily Magicks
When we think of magick, we think of large workings based on universal cycles and energies. The Cycles of life such as birth, puberty, marriage, aging and death. The Cycles of the Sun and Moon, seasons and even astrological cycles. While these larger cycles are an important part of ritual and spell work timing, we sometimes get so involved with the large things that we fail to see the opportunities for magick in each small moment of the day. Join Rev. Meri Doty for a lively discussion on how to infuse every moment of your day with magick.


Rev. Meri Doty

Pagan Minister, Educator, and Spiritual Advisor, Pagan Meri

Saturday July 27, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm EDT

4:30pm EDT

Heavy Metal as spiritual practice
An intriguing exploration of how the powerful and often misunderstood genre of heavy metal music can serve as a profound avenue for personal and collective spiritual expression. This talk delves into the themes, symbolism, and rituals within heavy metal culture, demonstrating how it can be a transformative and cathartic experience for both artists and fans, ultimately challenging preconceived notions of spirituality.


Saturday July 27, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm EDT
Maplewood B

4:30pm EDT

Queering Otherworld Jouneys
In pagan, witchcraft, and animist traditions, exploration of the Otherworld is becoming increasingly important. The insights, spiritual allies, and healing found when journeying through the worlds of spirit bring profound change in our daily lives. Come learn about the ever-evolving eldritch landscape of the Otherworld, from ancient examples to modern explorations!

While we will focus on a queer-inspired and queer-led cosmology of the Otherworlds, this workshop will have plenty of use for those who do not identify as queer: gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or such. We will use the insights channeled by Andrew Ramer in Two Flutes Playing, and its evolving emergence within The Unnamed Path, to lead the way.

We will close by giving participants the ability to collaborate on a combined Otherworld "map" of their journey and experience.

avatar for Raine


Initiate, Unnamed Path
Been a pagan in Southeast Florida (Palm Beach County) for many years now, an initiate of the Unnamed Path for six years. Animist with anthropology training (B.A. degree), confounded mystic and general nerd of fantasy, sci-fi, and table-top gaming. Big into the mysteries of science... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm EDT

4:30pm EDT

Techniques of Ancient Greek Dice Divination
Divination was central to ancient Greek Paganism. From the Delphic Oracle to dream incubation to dice casting, divination was an essential means of communication between gods and mortals. In this workshop, I will teach two authentic ancient divination systems. One uses dice to select an oracular verse from Homer; the other uses knucklebones to select an answer to a query and presiding deity. I've recently translated these systems from ancient sources and they will be published this year in a book with instructions and interpretive aids, which are necessary for their proper use. These ancient sources of divine wisdom provide guidance in our difficult times. Participants will learn how to cast these oracles and will receive handouts with the oracular keys.


Saturday July 27, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm EDT

4:30pm EDT

Wights in the Holler: Southern Mushroom Foraging in a Magickal Context
Have you ever foraged for nature's bounty? Danced with the rhythms of your local forests and fields? Communed with the spirits of the plants and fungi around us? When was the last time you picked a nice floppy wood ear for your altar, just to see what the neighbors were saying? Haven't you always wondered about the spiritual wisdom of the Old Man of the Woods and other mushroom species? Join us as we explore Appalachian mushroom and woodland foraging from an animistic perspective. Our years of experience, both in foraging and the mystical arts, gives us a unique understanding of this merger between the pragmatic and the spiritual.

Saturday July 27, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

Astrology of Karmic Soulmates: Love, Bind and Release
Are we meant to be? What is our lesson? In this transformative workshop, participants will explore the profound connections we share with others through karmic ties, soulmates, love bonds and the liberating power of release. Through a blend of practical teachings and chart examples attendees will learn how to identify karmic patterns in birth charts, and understand the dynamic of astrological soulmate relationships whether it is with partners, family members or friends. Join us on this journey of karmic exploration as we unlock the secrets of our connections, strengthen love bonds, and empower ourselves to release what no longer serves us. Mira Cosic is an experienced astrologer based in Roswell, Georgia, practicing locally and internationally. She is the past president of ASNT - Astrological Society of North Texas. She spoke at ISAR and UAC international astrology conferences.


Saturday July 27, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

By Call of Horn & Beat of Drum: Music, & Magick, & The Devil
Music and magick have inspired one another since antiquity. From Pythagorean mystics to Freemasons, elements of the occult are hidden in the music we know and love. There is even a strong resemblance between witches and virtuoso musicians who receive their magickal and musical prowess from the Devil himself. Join author, witch, and musician Nicholas Pearson on a tour-de-force of the occult art of music. In this interactive lecture you will: Explore ancient musical instruments and their ritual uses
Discuss the folklore of music played by spirits, fairies, and gods Listen to live musical examples played on historic instruments Discover ways to incorporate music into your rituals, meditations, and other spiritual practice And more!

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Nicholas Pearson

Nicholas Pearson has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for nearly 30 years. As one of the leading voices in crystal healing today, he offers a unique blend of science and spirituality alongside a grounded, practical approach to working with crystals. The author of... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
Dunwoody A

6:00pm EDT

Heartfelt Script: Developing Relationships with the Runes
Runes are often colloquially referred to as tools. But those who work with the runes know that they are far, far more than just letters carved on materials that we can hold in our hands - within them lie the mechanics and mysteries of the universe. Understanding the runes as beings in their own right can change our perceptions of time, the cosmos, and even ourselves. In this class, presenter Cameron"Siggi" Hollister will draw from both the scholarship of established"runesters" and personal experience in Heathenry to inspire listeners to develop working relationships with the runes, much like one would build working relationships with any other sentient beings. This workshop will include practical exercises for actively engaging with the runes, and so attendees are highly encouraged to bring their own runes to work with during the class.

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Cameron "Siggi" Hollister

Triangle Area Pagan Alliance
Cameron Hollister (they/them) has been a practicing pagan for three years and specifically a practicing antiracist Heathen for two years. Cameron is on the administrative team for the Triangle Area Pagan Alliance in North Carolina and leads a small, local group in the area for antiracist/inclusive... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm EDT

7:00pm EDT

Mystic South Gaming Lounge!
A free, open gaming area provided by Giga-Bites Café! Come check out a tabletop game and bring your friends and make some new ones!


Saturday July 27, 2024 7:00pm - Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00am EDT

8:00pm EDT

Sovereignty and Otherness
This workshop begins with importance of sovereignty in Irish mythology, focusing on Macha, and then continues on to the importance of self-sovereignty, and the ways in which our modern society attempts to undermine it. We'll have a brief discussion of the ways in which we are othered as pagans, witches, queer folx, people of color, neurodivergent or disabled people, etc and how we can use the insight those experiences give us, and turn it into power.
Then I'll lead a guided journey to the fort of Emhain Macha, where we will meet Macha herself, tending an outdoor cauldron. Each person will add one etheric food item representing their Otherness to the cauldron of stew, adding sustenance to the pot, and will then ladle out a bowl to eat, returning their Otherness to themselves as the power and strength of personal sovereignty supported by a diverse community.

avatar for Alexandra Nic Bhe Chuille

Alexandra Nic Bhe Chuille

Alexandra is a Norse-Gaelic Polytheistic Pagan Mystic, and a modern urban hedgewitch. She has been a practicing pagan and witch since about 2003, though her path wandered through various traditions before settling down into its current form in 2015.  The main focus of Alexandra’s... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00pm - 9:30pm EDT
Maplewood A

8:00pm EDT

Underworld By Lanternlight: An Oracular Experience
Do you dare journey to the Underworld? Those bold enough to make the descent may discover treasures untold: rivers to wash away burdens, meandering dancers, and gods dispensing talismans and advice. Lanterns will illuminate your way, while you and your fellow travelers raise energy and make magic. Oracular priestesses Jamie and Mandy will be invoking Hades and Hekate, and participants will have a chance to speak directly with the deities while they are in state. This ritual experience is being led in collaboration with Athens Area Pagans.

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Amanda "Mandy" Hughes

Owner, Haint Blue Creative
In her more than thirty years as a storyteller and visual designer, Amanda “Mandy” Hughes has written and designed over a dozen works of literary, Southern Gothic, and women’s fiction under pen names A. Lee Hughes and Mandy Lee. Mandy is the founder of Haint Blue Creative... Read More →
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Jamie Waggoner

Priestess & Author
Jamie Waggoner (she/her) is a Pagan priestess, philosopher, writer, and teacher. Jamie has studied esoteric and occult subjects since 1995, and uses her skills and experience gained over twenty years of magical praxis to lead workshops, rituals, sacred circles, and study programs... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00pm - 9:30pm EDT

9:00pm EDT

Phoenix Ball
Dress your best and come prepared to dance! Our annual Phoenix Ball is THE party at Mystic South. Featuring dj and cash bar.

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Board of Mystic South

Mystic South Conference
Our Mystic South Board consists of:Heather GreeneMarla RobersonGypsey TeagueNathan HallStacy Psaros

Saturday July 27, 2024 9:00pm - Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00am EDT
Sunday, July 28

8:00am EDT

Providing Sacred Spaces for Pagans
Many modern Pagans consider nature to be sacred and prefer to practice in natural settings. However, Pagans who live in urban or suburban areas might have little or no access to natural areas in which to practice. The few natural spaces that are available are often unsuitable. For example, even a large backyard might still be visible to neighbors, and city parks typically offer even less privacy. Because the latter tend to close at sundown, night-time practices are not possible. For about a decade, Athens Area Pagans, Inc., has been working to provide outdoor spaces for Pagans to use. In 2020, AAP procured a little over 48 acres of land to that end, calling the land and the project AllWays. This land is inside the city limits and on the bus line, therefore accessible to most Pagans in the area. Herein we report the many obstacles, the occasional successes, and the current status of this project. Topics covered include choice of site, purchasing options, business model, community involvement and interest, city ordinances, zoning, taxes, and insurance.

avatar for Lachele Foley

Lachele Foley

CFO, Athens Area Pagans, Inc.
I am a founding member of Athens Area Pagans, Inc. (AAP), a 501(c)(3) non-profit providing service and advocacy to Pagans in the Athens, GA area.  Currently, I am also AAP's Chief Financial Officer.  I am a member of the LLC that purchased the land for AllWays.  I also direct and/or... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

Five Elements Qigong
Learn the ancient Chinese art of Qigong and generate more internal energy for your vitality and health in this series of 5 lessons. It includes breathing exercises especially beneficial for relaxation.

avatar for Jay


Volunteers Co-coordinator

Sunday July 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Dunwoody A

8:00am EDT

Intentional Drumming
Drumming with a purpose, or intention, is a powerful experience. Explore different rhythms you create and apply them to specific intentions. Manifestation, Love, Change, Chakra points. There are an infinite number of ways to apply Intentional Drumming to your practice. Learn how to channel your energy into and through the Drum to bring about positive change. It does not matter what your skill level is: beginner to advanced, this playshop will open you up to the possibilities of Rhythm.

avatar for Eric Olson

Eric Olson

Rhythm Healer Drums

Sunday July 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Dunwoody B

8:00am EDT

Let It Swing!
Join my workshop at Mystic South to explore the practice of pendulum divination. We'll delve into its origins, mechanics, and practical uses. Through lecture. meditation, and exercise, you'll learn to use the pendulum for guidance and insight. Whether you're experienced or new to divination, this workshop offers a chance to deepen your understanding. Discover how to ask precise questions and interpret responses confidently. My aim is to provide an interactive and engaging journey into spiritual exploration and self-discovery.

avatar for Russell Hamel

Russell Hamel

Born and raised in the heart of Texas, Russell was born with a deep reverence for the natural world and its mystical energies. After being an eclectic witch for over a decade, his journey into British Traditional Wicca began in the historic streets of Salem, Massachusetts, where he... Read More →
avatar for Debra Lori

Debra Lori

Debra Lori is a 3rd Degree Alexandrian, High Priestess of her coven, The Phoenix Rising, and was born and raised in Salem, Massachusetts. She is an Interfaith Minister, an Elder in the New Wiccan Church, International, as well as a full-time Psychic/Medium. As a gifted psychic medium... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

Magickal Grimoire Book of Psalms

Historically, the Book of Psalms has been regarded as a potent source of magic and spiritual guidance. It has been utilized across a broad spectrum of cultures and magical traditions. Many practitioners of traditional witchcraft view the Book of Psalms as the Bible's spell book. The Book of Psalms, as a magical text, boasts a long-standing history of use by those in the magical arts. Practitioners have recited its verses for a variety of intentions, including protection, healing, prosperity, and divination. Additionally, the Psalms are frequently incorporated into other magical practices, such as candle spells, talismans, and sigil magic.

Only by looking beyond our world's lenses to see the old in a new light do we unlock doors to a Universe unknown to us until that moment.
Old Testament (Books of Moses) - 5 Books
Book of Psalms - 5 Sections
Pentagram - 5 Points

Taren S is a proud Southern Conjuring Witch with over 40 years of experience in the magical community. She founded the House of Witchcraft, which celebrates and respects all forms of magic and expressions of divinity. Her first book, "Hoodoo in the Psalms," is a bestseller. She has now authored "Conjuring Dirt: Magic of Footprints, Crossroads, and Graveyards."
She recently returned from a seven-year stay in California and resides near John's Island, just outside Charleston, SC, on a five-acre farm.

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Taren S

Taren S. is a proud Southern Conjuring Witch with over 40 years of experience in the magickal community. She is the founder of the House of Witchcraft, a tradition that honors, respects, and celebrates all paths of magick and expressions of Divinity. Her first book, "Hoodoo in the... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

Pagan Affirming Therapy and Healthcare (PATH) Introduction and Discussion
Have you struggled with finding a mental health provider that supports your way of life? Have you been hesitant to discuss your spiritual beliefs/issues with your current therapist? Are you dealing with religious trauma from either changing religions or existing in a space where your religion is not common or accepted? We would like to discuss the role of mental health in paganism, and how paganism can influence mental health. We will present interventions that have aspects of paganism as well as opening up the floor to those that have experienced discrimination in mental health (and other) settings related to spiritual identity. The workshop will be presented by two licensed mental health providers who are also members of the pagan community.


Sunday July 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

The Art of Healing Conversation
Combining the laws of reiki, positivity, herbs, crystals, feathers, and divine protection from the ancestors, this workshop delves into the art of conversation as a healing catalyst for those suffering from trauma, grief, or crisis. This workshop taught by a thirty year Communication instructor and certified Reiki Master and Spiritual healer, Mazo teaches others how to create their own ceremony and practice in this session.


Sunday July 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Maplewood B

8:00am EDT

The Living House of a Witch: Room by Room Magic
Folklore teaches us that a witch's house is alive; an extension of your energy. I believe this wholeheartedly! In this workshop, we will start at the front door of the witch's house and discover the magical possibilities in every room including entryway, kitchen, living room, bathrooms, bedrooms, and office space. If you've never thought of your house as a living entity, you'll never look at your space the same again. I'll also give you tips on connecting to the spirit of your house, as well as engaging the services of other helper spirits around the home.


Sunday July 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT
Maplewood A

8:00am EDT

Through The Hidden Door
Fairies, Faeries, the Fae, have been a source of fascination, legend, and confusion for humans throughout our time on this planet. We will examine not only some of the popular (and not so popular) ideas about the nature of the Fae but also explore some new notions about their essence and their realm. We will explore the nature of the Fae in their own right and how to build a relationship with them based on mutual respect and understanding.


Sunday July 28, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am EDT

9:30am EDT

Folk Magic in Modern Times
Join our headliners, Morgan Daimler, Sen Elias and Wendy Mata Houseman for a discussion on Folk Magic in Modern Times moderated by Keldon

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Morgan Daimler

Morgan Daimler is a witch who has been a polytheist since the early ’90′s. Following a path inspired by the Irish Fairy Faith blended with neopagan witchcraft. Morgan teaches classes on Irish myth and magical practices, fairies, and related subjects in the United States and internationally... Read More →
avatar for Wendy Mata Houseman

Wendy Mata Houseman

Founder, Bruja Power Botánica
Hello, my name is Wendy Mata I am a 5th generation Bruja Curandera by lineage and Initiated Mayan shaman, the founder of Bruja Power Botanica. After a successful career in tech, working for Fortune 500 companies, I retired to pursue my long lifetime passion of promoting the magical... Read More →
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Kelden has been practicing Traditional Witchcraft for more than a decade. He is the author of The Crooked Path: An Introduction to Traditional Witchcraft, The Witches' Sabbath: An Exploration of History, Folklore, and Modern Practice, and All Them Witches: Folktales & Rhymes. Additionally... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 9:30am - 11:00am EDT

9:30am EDT

"For Entertainment Purposes Only: The Occultural Appeal of the Haunted Doll"
While human protagonists may do well to try to escape the clutches of Chucky, Annabelle, and Talky Tina (of Twilight Zone infamy) among a host of other spirit-possessed dolls depicted in modern cinematic and television horror over the decades, a thriving (predominantly online) market of afficionados intent on acquiring haunted dolls precisely as points of contact and communication with the dead exists in the United States today. Based on ethnographic research conducted in both virtual and non-virtual spaces, this paper explores the ways that haunted-doll enthusiasts interact with and reflect upon their effigies, existing as they do within an American cultural landscape that increasingly blurs the lines between spirituality and entertainment. Many collectors contend that their dolls are potent tools for personal development in fostering direct access to spirit intelligences that can serve as companions or guides in their daily spiritual lives. The dolls themselves are often displayed on altars or clustered among other religious objects in collectors' homes and are handled in ritualized ways that emphasize their sacrality as sentient beings deserving of devotion and respect. I argue that the current fascination with haunted dolls, as occultural objects, reflect and embody the deep contradictions that stand at the heart of a reenchanted modernity in which capitalist consumerism and human desires for meaning-making and transcendence are vitally entwined. I also contend that haunted dolls, the majority of which are fashioned anthropomorphically, provide a case study for deeper reflections on the material productions of race, ethnicity, gender, and class within contemporary American culture.


Sunday July 28, 2024 9:30am - 11:00am EDT

9:30am EDT

Darna - An Overview of Baltic Living Tradition
Parallel to traditional Romuva Faith, Baltic Living Tradition seeks to embrace a naturally-evolved continuation of the native religious practices of Lithuania and Latvia. Topics explored will include: Main Tenents of Baltic Belief, Harmony & Morality (Darna), the Creator deities, Dausos - the realm of the dead, the Romuva/Baltic Calendar, and more.

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Rev. Fr. Moonraven "Dee" Iuvantas-Alexiares

Church of Uranus-Temple of Olympus
Arxontas DNMI (Άρχοντας ΔΝΜΙ) is a Hierophant-Archmagos of Hellenic Alexandrian Witchcraft & Spiritual Tradition, and also practices as a Balkan Heathen & a Greco-Buddhist. He currently lives in Jacksonville, FL and serves as the Secretary for NE Florida Pagan Leadership... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 9:30am - 11:00am EDT

9:30am EDT

Elemental Pore Breathing
The practice of breathing in energy from the universe through all the pores of your being is a very old one. Franz Bardon gives instructions for pore breathing and he was probably influenced by Tumo practice. We can gain a better understanding of the four elements by breathing in the elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth as well as spirit. To feel these energies in our bodies and better benefit from their healing powers and wield their forces in ritual. In this workshop you will be guided through a simple practice of pore breathing the elements so you can really feel the force flowing through you, we will ground and center and then do a guided visualization practice together.

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Erich Brown

Erich Brown, Frater Anubis, has been studying Ritual Magic since he was a teenager. He started self training in the Golden Dawn tradition and was later initiated into the E.S.S.G. (The Order of the Gnostic Star) by its founder, Frater Barrabas, in his twenties. Erich currently coleads... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 9:30am - 11:00am EDT
Dunwoody B

9:30am EDT

Into the Sacred Grove: Connecting to Your Pagan Ancestors
I will lead the group on a past life regression through a shamanic journey. The goal is to connect with a Pagan ancestor. I will set sacred space, share a little of my own journey of becoming a shaman, then lead the group on a journey to meet a Pagan ancestor. There will be time for sharing about the journey afterwards. I will encourage those attending to bring pillows and blankets to be able to lie on the floor, with chairs for those are unable or unwilling to do that.

Sunday July 28, 2024 9:30am - 11:00am EDT
Dunwoody A

9:30am EDT

Magic Without Tools: Focus and Intent
Join author Sean Wilde as he explores generating, maintaining, and focusing energy. In this class you will learn to sense energy, project energy and shift the nature of energy into different colors, emotions and shapes. Lessons learned here are fundamental building blocks for more intermediate and advanced magic. Experienced practitioners will be challenged to explore their energetic limits and perceptions.

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Sassy Magick
 Bishop Sean Wilde UE, the author of Magic Without Tools, is a member of the Aurum Solis. He is the only publicly verified traditional sin eater in the world. He holds multiple degrees in multiple systems, with his first initiation 30 years ago. His spiritual and magical journey... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 9:30am - 11:00am EDT

9:30am EDT

Mystic Moon Alchemy
An interactive workshop focused on moon phase energy and daily ritual magick to manifest your intentions. Learn when to create, plan, act, observe, and celebrate your transformation. Start with an intention and with each phase you learn how to connect the energy with your innate magical abilities. You receive a workbook to guide your journey and leave with a master plan to carry you through every lunar cycle. Energy-bending practices that help you become a master at Manifesting with the Moon.

avatar for Imber


Mystic Mentor, Luna's Vault
As a Moon Circle Facilitator, I bring my passions for earth magick, aromatherapy, herbology, dream journaling, oracle reading and animal NRGs to any gathering. I like to provide an expansive toolbox for an empowering moon energy experience.I love any esoteric topic and love exploring... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 9:30am - 11:00am EDT

9:30am EDT

Save the Fool! Write a Novel with the Tarot: How to Use Your Tarot Cards to Plan, Outline, and Write a Novel
After attending this workshop, "Save the Fool! Writes a Novel with the Tarot: How to Use Your Tarot Cards to Plan, Outline, and Write a Novel," participants will uncover methods for using the tarot from a storyteller’s lens, planning, outlining, character development, world-building, troubleshooting, and other topics related to penning a novel. This class pairs tarot reading constructs with the "Save the Cat!" storytelling method that can help writers achieve their creative goals. This workshop is a 90-min immersive class with instruction and activities involving the tarot, so bring your favorite deck! Oracle cards are incredibly helpful (and cool) as well, so if you have a favorite deck, bring it along with your tarot. Participants will receive a workbook (both printable and digital / fillable) they can use to reference and sustain what they learned during the workshop. For the keen, editing eye, please note: the word “Writes,” plural, in the workshop title is not a typo.


Sunday July 28, 2024 9:30am - 11:00am EDT

9:30am EDT

Spectral Reader - A Mediumship Workshop for Tarotists
Think tarot readers are not mediums? Think again! Learn how to use your tarot AS the medium with a tarot-oriented approach to communicating with the crossed-over ones (and more). In this workshop you will learn: How to use tarot for very specific and detailed messages from the dead. How to use tarot to keep the space energetically protected and clear.Why it is good to have a Mediumship-only deck (and protection deck) with spread. How to invoke a Companion to help, support and guide your sessions. How to be a tarot medium for others and specific and unique tips to power your tarot mediumship.


Sunday July 28, 2024 9:30am - 11:00am EDT
Maplewood B

9:30am EDT

The Host of Many
Curious about Hades, the Host of Many, Ruler of the Underworld? In this presentation, Jamie will share both well-known and obscure bits of Hades' mythos, introduce you to the magic and mysteries of the Underworld, and deconstruct some of the common misunderstandings about this enigmatic god from Greek mythology. We'll also discuss how to approach a working or devotional relationship with Hades and his retinue, and engage in a guided trance journey to the Underworld. Your host on this adventure, Jamie, is a dedicated priestess of Hades, and author of the newly released book "Hades: Myth, Magic and Modern Devotion" (Llewellyn, 2024).

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Jamie Waggoner

Priestess & Author
Jamie Waggoner (she/her) is a Pagan priestess, philosopher, writer, and teacher. Jamie has studied esoteric and occult subjects since 1995, and uses her skills and experience gained over twenty years of magical praxis to lead workshops, rituals, sacred circles, and study programs... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 9:30am - 11:00am EDT
Maplewood A

12:00pm EDT

Kaula Cocoon: Left-Hand Tantra and the Moral Metamorphosis
The West tends to reduce the term tantra to spiritual eroticism, but this is a gross oversimplification. In vamachara, better known as Hinduism's left-hand path, a phenomenon best described as sacramental taboo is practiced by several variations of tantric practitioners, perhaps most notably the Kaula Cults(goddess worshiping sects), who seek a state of non-dualism by blurring the distinctions between the sacred and the profane, thus merging all aspects of the self, light and dark, with the divine consciousness, and destroying the distinction between the ego and the soul. Many self-styled tantric sex advocates omit the important detail that the goal is not sex or pleasure at all, but union, and that the intention of tantric sex is rooted in this complex and heterodox spiritual theory. Naturally, this concept incites disgust and misunderstanding from a great many people, including many Hindus, but the theory behind such extreme practices can facilitate radical transformation in ways that other systems cannot. As such, the importance of vamachara to a society crying out for transformation cannot be understated. Using both religious texts and academic sources, This paper argues that by incorporating sacramental taboo and/or transgressive magick into modern pagan practice, we may interrogate the values of religious and social orthodoxy and learn the areasonsa for their formation be they mere arbitration, social control, or perhaps even the greater good. From this informed perspective, we may then implement new values, or refine existing ones, to be more conducive to spiritual health and happiness.


Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

A Druid's Call to the Harvest: Lughnasadh Blessing Ritual
A ritual to fill and surround participants with the energies of the upcoming Lughnasadh in the northern hemisphere (Aug 1st), where we bathe in Summer's warmth and welcome in the beginning of the harvest. The ritual will include space cleansing with a drum, welcome/opening statement, guided meditation, Druid's prayer, call to the quarters, calling the God Lugh and Goddess Anu, a blessing of the Harvest, and ritual closing. I will also have info about OBOD (Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids) for anyone who's interested.


Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT
Dunwoody B

12:00pm EDT

About the Evil Eye
Did you know that the Evil Eye charm is actually called a Nazar? Or that if it breaks, it's done its job? For centuries, this amulet has protected individuals, homes, animals and more from the ill-wishes of others. Dive into the simple but powerful magic of the Evil Eye (maybe even how to send it...?) in this hands-on workshop and make your own charm to deflect naysayers and ill wishes. Charm can be made into a bracelet, keyring and more for yourself, a loved one, your car, workspace or pets.

Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

Awakening Your Inner Dragon: Embracing Power and Potential
Imagine unlocking the mystical potential within you like kindling a dormant fire that has been patiently waiting to be ignited. This inner flame, symbolized by the majestic Dragon embodies determination, power, and strength. It can be harnessed to transform your life. . Are you ready to embark on a transformative quest to awaken your inner Dragon and harness its boundless power? You will be guided through a visualization to meet your inner Dragon,learn how to call on this energy whenever you need it, and discuss how and why we want to awaken our Inner Dragon. During the workshop, we will also explore ways to incorporate this energy into our lives daily and tap into our intuition for messages and healing. Everyone will receive a dragon charged crystal to work with.


Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT
Maplewood B

12:00pm EDT

Divinity and Queerness
Witchcraft is more gendered than most think; and for trans and nonbinary practitioners that gap is daunting and all consuming. The craft we follow has a focus on the divinity between man and woman, but what about the divine third? We will dive into divinity and queerness for all members of the LGBTQ+ and where we can create and find space. We will discuss where that divine third comes into focus for not just ourselves, but to create more open circles.


Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

Intro to Animal Communication
Discover the fascinating world of animal communication and interspecies connection with Bird Woman. Delve into intuitive communication, a non-verbal, telepathic method of conversing with animals, plants, and the environment. This workshop focuses on reawakening our innate ability to commune with nature. Through engaging exercises, participants will learn the essence and techniques of connecting with animals and the natural world on a mystical level. Join us to explore the profound bond between humans and the rest of creation, unlocking the hidden language of the earth.


Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT
Maplewood A

12:00pm EDT

Karma, Wyrd, And Magickal Causality
Causality and synchronicity are intertwined in both linear and non-linear ways that result in consequences that are sometimes called karma, wyrd, etc. For simplicity I will just use the word karma. Much is said of karma in spiritual and magickal communities, but little is said of its metaphysical structure or mechanism of action. This talk explores how karma arises from the web of life and is bound by the same metaphysical laws that govern magick. By viewing karma from this perspective, new insights on spiritual development are gained. The relationships between individual and group karma will also be clarified.

avatar for Ivo Dominguez Jr.

Ivo Dominguez Jr.

Ivo Dominguez, Jr. has been active in Wiccan and the Pagan community since 1978. Ivo is a founding member and first High Priest of Keepers of the Holly Chalice, the first Assembly of the Sacred Wheel coven. He currently serves as one of the Elders of the ASW. Ivo is the author of... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

Past Life Regression
How do you step back in time and see the lives you've lived? How do you find the pieces that support you in your current life? It's not about seeing your death but about how you were and what patterns came forward with you.

avatar for Dr. Ruth Souther

Dr. Ruth Souther

Facilitator, The Edge of Perception
Dr. Ruth Souther is a best-selling author in two collective books (newest Shaman Heart: Sacred Rebel), author of The Heart of Tarot and Vega's Path Priestess Process, and 3 fiction novels in the Immortal Journey series with the 4th soon to be released. Chief Editor for Crystal Heart... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

Sigils For Connecting With Your Wyrd
WYRD is one's destiny. It is the strange daemon speaking the name of our starry heritage. We've forgotten how to hear it, but the unique call of the Wyrd can be amplified through the symbolic language of the unconscious, i.e. SIGILS. In this workshop we will tap into the mythic imagination to conjure up our own sigils. Using established frameworks as our guides, participants will be invited to create and energize sigils that mirror the soul's desire to come out and play. The workshop structure will involve a quick talk around the Wyrdness of Sigils - with examples and demonstrations. The group will then be invited to drop into a creative zone where sigils can be conjured and charged. Bring your yearning for the neglected shadows of psyche, your love of the odd spaces within, and your desire to plug into the timeless zeal of Wyrd.

Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT

12:00pm EDT

Using Ancient Greek Dance in a Ritual Setting
This workshop will cover research and energy work through movement as it applies to using a historical dance in a modern ritual setting. There will be a lecture portion and a movement portion to this workshop so attendees can assess how the energy moves with different movements. Particular emphasis will be on the instructor's experience in adding historical dance to a festival reconstruction of Eleusinian mysteries. This festival has run for the past 38 years.


Kara D Williams

Dean, WSTS
Kara is the Dean of Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary and one of their faculty members. She is a 3rd Degree ordained minister of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church in the WISE Tradition. She holds a master's degree in education (M.Ed.), a Bachelor of Art in sociology, and a Bachelor... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm EDT
Dunwoody A

1:30pm EDT

The Nature of Dreams: A Study on the Relationship Between Perceived Connectedness to Nature and Dream Recall Frequency
In an effort to explore the link between dreaming and personal connection to nature in order to uncover ways in which dreaming relates to our health, this study investigates the question of whether there is a relationship between perceived personal connectedness to nature and frequency of dream recall. This has been initiated through a literature review and then measured and scrutinized through survey research. A nine question multiple choice questionnaire rating the respondents' dream recall and feelings related to dreaming and connection to nature was distributed and collected electronically from 385 people. The results showed that there is indeed a statistically significant increase in dream recall frequency among those who perceive themselves as feeling very connected nature. The results also showed that the most marked increase in recall frequency occurred amongst those who shared or worked with their dreams regularly, and that there is a definite trend to have a higher dream recall frequency when there is higher value placed on the idea of dreaming itself. This study supports the idea that the practice of dreaming may be as important as the ancients believed it was, as a facet of personal health and as a means of living harmoniously with the earth. At the very least it shows that further study on dreams and health, and dreams and nature are certainly warranted.


Nikki Wardwell Sleath

Founder/High Priestess, Society of Witchcraft and Old Magick
Nikki Wardwell Sleath has been practicing witchcraft for thirty years and was formally trained as an initiate and priestess in the Religious Order of Witchcraft. She has since founded her own private order focusing on American Witchcraft which is the Society of Witchcraft and Old... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT

1:30pm EDT

Bowls of Intent: Spiraling into Babylon
Join me on a captivating journey exploring the Incantation Bowls mystical and historical
significance. These unique artifacts were used in ancient times for various purposes, such as
protection, healing, and divination. By traveling back in time and exploring the origins of this
ancient practice, we can gain insight into the complex spiritual traditions of our ancestors.
As we journey deeper, we will delve into the liminal space where physical and spiritual worlds
merge. Here, we will discover the desires of our higher selves and discard the mundane, stripping
away physical attachment and letting go of useless chattel. Through this process, we will create
our own Babylonian incantation bowl and manifest our deepest desires.
This journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth holds immense potential for personal
transformation. By exploring the history and significance of Incantation Bowls, we can uncover
the mysteries of the ancient world and gain a greater understanding of our place in the universe.


Sunday July 28, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT

1:30pm EDT

Enchant the world - Create your own Barbarous Language
How to make your own magical language. How to find the sounds, tones and ideas on how to orient sounds to your magical landscape. Ecstatic worship or meditative states used with sounds, have been used in many cultures, whether it is called Twilight Language, Universal Language, Heart Speak, Glossololia, or speaking in tongues. How do you perceive magical languages and alphabets like Hebrew, Futhark and Sanskrit. How can we listen and use words in our native tongue to express a magical intent. We can make comparisons and chant vowels and find their resonance in our body.

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He started have supernatural experiences when he was 2.His grandfather, who passed 2 weeks earlier,came back to say good bye when he was 7.He studied various methods of developing psychic skills, magic and practices from around the world.Bill facilitated, in Albany, NY, the Wizard's... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT

1:30pm EDT

Living Faiths: Secret Legacies of Esoteric Britain
Contrary to modern beliefs, there is an abundance of magical and esoteric traditions that have persisted in British Isles for centuries quietly alongside Christianity, sometimes in plain sight. Families maintain old faiths, guilds gather in secret, and esoteric traditions are passed along. In this presentation we will unravel some of the misconceptions that surround this important aspect of intangible cultural heritage and the precise ways these traditions continue to renew, adapt and thrive while maintaining their core principles. The goal of this discussion is not to identify or reveal secret organizations, but to gain new insight about how living traditions have continued to exist, despite efforts to eradicate them. Hosted by Rob and Nonie Douglas (aka Llevin and Gwen Ithon).

Sunday July 28, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT
Maplewood B

1:30pm EDT

Sensory Guided Meditation
A lot of guided meditation focuses on visual type imagery. Other senses, such as smells, touch and taste can deepen the meditation. Beyond the enhancing of meditation of all, it can help those with aphantasia be included and learn to meditate with these meditation styles. I will provide a brief explanation of aphantasia, and guide a meditation using the five primary physical senses.

Sunday July 28, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT
Dunwoody A

1:30pm EDT

Soma & Pneuma- Pagan Faith and the Healthcare Experience
Navigating the healthcare system as an earth-based-faith practitioner can be challenging; from balancing one's personal health regimen with Western medical recommendations to advocating for culturally and spiritually sensitive care in the hospital setting. Shepherd, a Pagan hospital chaplain, and Capt. Adam, a prehospital provider, provide their experiences, tips, and tricks for overcoming communication hurdles and receiving culturally and spiritually sensitive care.

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Interfaith Hospital Chaplain
Shepherd is a seminary-trained interfaith chaplain and clergy-member, whose chaplaincy practice specializes in trauma recovery. They also volunteer as the Spiritual/Behavioral Health Director for Usagi Medical Group, providing a non-anxious presence for overwhelmed, injured, or ill... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT

1:30pm EDT

Teaching Witchcraft
The practice of witchcraft is taught in a number of different ways. In-person, online, books, podcasts, blogs and articles, are some of the many ways practitioners share their knowledge and wisdom. What are the benefits and pitfalls of studying and teaching witchcraft with others? This panel will discuss how different styles of teaching and learning can enhance our magical communities, empower individuals, and define our practices.

avatar for Dodie Graham McKay

Dodie Graham McKay

Filmmaker & Author, Moongazey Films Inc
Dodie Graham McKay is a writer, green witch, Gardnerian priestess and filmmaker. She is inspired to document and share stories that capture the beauty of nature and the visible and invisible realms of magic and witchcraft. She is the author of the book Earth Magic: The Elements of... Read More →
avatar for Laura Tempest Zakroff

Laura Tempest Zakroff

Laura Tempest Zakroff (she/they) is a professional artist, author, performer, and Modern Traditional Witch based in New England. She holds a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, and her artwork has received awards and honors worldwide. Her work embodies myth and the esoteric... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT

1:30pm EDT

The Magick of Fossils
Fossilized remains of long-dead plants and creatures have sparked the imagination and fueled controversy for nearly half a million years. The inherent strangeness of fossils has long imbued them with mystical power, leading to their use as talismans to draw luck, apotropaics against evil, and vehicles of benediction and healing worldwide. Join award-winning author and mineral expert Nicholas Pearson on a tour of the myth and magic of fossils. Participants will: • Reconstruct the meaning and magic of the earliest fossil collectors • Learn how fossils received folk names like snake-stones, fairy loaves, witch's tongues, and devil's toenails • Survey the uses of fossils in traditional witchcraft and magic • Learn to create spells and rituals that harness the magic of formed stones
Nicholas will draw from his decades-long study of rocks, minerals, and geomythology to reveal the power of fossils.

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Nicholas Pearson

Nicholas Pearson has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for nearly 30 years. As one of the leading voices in crystal healing today, he offers a unique blend of science and spirituality alongside a grounded, practical approach to working with crystals. The author of... Read More →

Sunday July 28, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT
Maplewood A

1:30pm EDT

Thou Art God/dess
"Thou Art God/Goddess" falls from our lips automatically and the litany of ritual moves forward, but do we hear and understand this phrase intimately? What reminds us of our relationship with the divine? Is it, truly, a relationship? We have looked into the eyes of our people in circle and easily said those words, but then they fall forgotten when we look at ourselves. In this class we'll develop the power of these words and develop something new and personal to carry with you. But what real meaning do they hold for you, tired at the end of the day or checking your finances twice? Do we believe ourselves “in our hand-me-down jeans and old T-shirts“ that we are the God/dess softly spoken of in circle? Join me as we explore a facet of the intimate connection with deity and with ourselves. Please bring a notebook for exercises.


Sunday July 28, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

Announcements, Thanks, and Closing Ritual
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Board of Mystic South

Mystic South Conference
Our Mystic South Board consists of:Heather GreeneMarla RobersonGypsey TeagueNathan HallStacy Psaros

Sunday July 28, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Dunwoody B
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