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Saturday, July 27 • 8:00pm - 9:30pm
Sovereignty and Otherness

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This workshop begins with importance of sovereignty in Irish mythology, focusing on Macha, and then continues on to the importance of self-sovereignty, and the ways in which our modern society attempts to undermine it. We'll have a brief discussion of the ways in which we are othered as pagans, witches, queer folx, people of color, neurodivergent or disabled people, etc and how we can use the insight those experiences give us, and turn it into power.
Then I'll lead a guided journey to the fort of Emhain Macha, where we will meet Macha herself, tending an outdoor cauldron. Each person will add one etheric food item representing their Otherness to the cauldron of stew, adding sustenance to the pot, and will then ladle out a bowl to eat, returning their Otherness to themselves as the power and strength of personal sovereignty supported by a diverse community.

avatar for Alexandra Nic Bhe Chuille

Alexandra Nic Bhe Chuille

Alexandra is a Norse-Gaelic Polytheistic Pagan Mystic, and a modern urban hedgewitch. She has been a practicing pagan and witch since about 2003, though her path wandered through various traditions before settling down into its current form in 2015.  The main focus of Alexandra’s... Read More →

Saturday July 27, 2024 8:00pm - 9:30pm EDT
Maplewood A
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