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Sunday, July 28 • 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Thou Art God/dess

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"Thou Art God/Goddess" falls from our lips automatically and the litany of ritual moves forward, but do we hear and understand this phrase intimately? What reminds us of our relationship with the divine? Is it, truly, a relationship? We have looked into the eyes of our people in circle and easily said those words, but then they fall forgotten when we look at ourselves. In this class we'll develop the power of these words and develop something new and personal to carry with you. But what real meaning do they hold for you, tired at the end of the day or checking your finances twice? Do we believe ourselves “in our hand-me-down jeans and old T-shirts“ that we are the God/dess softly spoken of in circle? Join me as we explore a facet of the intimate connection with deity and with ourselves. Please bring a notebook for exercises.


Sunday July 28, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm EDT
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